Page 14 - 33. FR RTP NOV. 22
P. 14

20X2-20X3     2 (4-year        2/4        8,00,000       4,00,000       2,00,000
                               vesting period)
                   20X3-20X4     2 (4-year        3/4        8,00,000       6,00,000       2,00,000
                               vesting period)

        Solution 2
        The cost to the lessor for providing the machinery on lease consists of the book value of the machinery (Rs.
        1,00,000),  plus  the  initial  direct  costs  associated  with  entering  into  the  lease  (Rs.  2,500),  less  the  future
        income  expected  from  disposing  of  the  machinery  at  the  end  of  the  lease  (the  present  value  of  the

        unguaranteed residual value of Rs. 10,000 discounted @ 10.19%, being Rs. 7,470).   This gives a cost of sale of
        Rs. 95,030.
        The lessor records the following entries at the commencement of the lease:
                                                                           Rs.          Rs.

                          Lease receivable                       Dr.     1,50,000
                          Cost of sales                          Dr.     95,030
                               To Inventory                                           1,00,000
                               To Revenue                                             1,42,530
                               To Creditors/Cash                                       2,500
        The  sales  profit  recognised  by  the  lessor  at  the  commencement  of  the  lease  is  therefore  Rs.  47,500  (Rs.
        1,42,530 - Rs. 95,030).  This is equal to the fair value of the machinery of Rs. 1,50,000, less the book value
        of the machinery (Rs. 1,00,000) and the initial direct costs of entering into the lease (Rs. 2,500). Revenue is
        equal to the lease receivable (Rs. 1,50,000), less the present value of the unguaranteed residual value (Rs.

                         Year  Lease receivable   Lease   Interest Income  Decrease In   Lease
                                  at the      payments    (10.19% per      lease     receivable at
                                beginning of   (Rs.) (b)  annum) (Rs.)   receivable  the end of year
                               year (Rs.) (a)                 (c)          (Rs.)        (Rs.)
                                                                       (d)=(b)-(c)  (e)=(a)-(d)
                          1       1,50,000     57,500       15,285        42,215       1,07,785
                          2       1,07,785     57,500        10,983       46,517       61,268
                          3       61,268       57,500       6,232*        51,268        10,000

                 *Difference is due to approximation
                 The lessor will record the following entries:
                                                                            Rs.          Rs.
                          Year 1   Cash/Bank                     Dr.       57,500
                                       To Lease receivable                             42,215
                                       To Interest income                              15,285
                          Year 2   Cash/Bank                     Dr.       57,500
                                       To Lease receivable                              46,517
                                       To Interest income                               10,983

                          Year 3   Cash/Bank                     Dr.       57,500
                                       To Lease receivable                             51,268
                                       To Interest income                               6,232

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