Page 7 - 33. FR RTP NOV. 22
P. 7

    Other expenses include research and development (R & D) expenditure of Rs. 8 crore in respect of which
             a 200% weighted deduction is available under income tax laws.
            Other income includes dividends of Rs. 4 crore, which is exempt from tax.
            Profit before tax of Rs. 594 crore includes (i) agriculture income of Rs. 55 crore which is exempt from

             tax; and (ii) profit of Rs. 60 crore earned in the USA on which EARTH Limited is required to pay tax at
             the rate of 20%.
            Depreciation as per income tax laws is Rs. 25.0 crore.
        During  review  of  the  financial  statements  of  EARTH  Limited,  the  CFO  multiplied  profit  before  tax  by  the

        income tax rate and arrived at Rs. 178.2 crore as the tax expense (Rs. 594 crore x 30% = Rs. 178.2 crore).
        However, actual income tax expense appearing in the summarized statement of profit and loss is Rs. 166.9
        The CFO has sought your help in reconciling the difference between the two tax expense amounts. Prepare a
        reconciliation containing the disclosure as required under the relevant Ind AS.

        Ind AS 34

        Question 6
        PQR  Ltd.  is  preparing  its  interim  financial  statements  for  quarter  3  of  the  year.  How  the  following

        transactions and events should be dealt with while preparing its interim financials:
        (i)  It makes employer contributions to government-sponsored insurance funds that are assessed on an annual
             basis. During Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 larger amount of payments for this contribution were made, while
             during the Quarter 3 minor payments were made (since contribution is made upto a certain maximum
             level  of  earnings  per  employee  and  hence  for  higher  income  employees,  the  maximum  income  reaches
             before year end).

        (ii)  The entity intends to incur major repair and renovation expense for the office building. For this purpose, it
             has started seeking quotations from vendors. It also has tentatively identified a vendor and expected costs
             that will be incurred for this work.
        (iii)  The company has a practice of declaring bonus of 10% of its annual operating profits every year. It has a
             history of doing so.

        Ind AS 41

        Question 7
        ABC  Ltd.  is  in  the  business  of  manufacturing  an  apple  beverage  and  requires  large  quantity  of  apples  to

        manufacture such beverage. In order to satisfy its requirement of apples, it enters into 3 years lease contracts
        with owners of apple orchards. The lease contracts are mainly of two types:
        (1)  Contract 1: The owner of the apple orchard (i.e. the lessor) raises the apple trees to produce apples. ABC
             Ltd. (i.e. lessee) makes a fixed annual payment to the owner of the apple orchard who is required to
             cultivate  the  produce  as  per  the  specifications  of  ABC  Ltd.  ABC  Ltd.  harvests  the  apples  itself  for
             fulfilling its requirement of apples.

        (2)  Contract 2: ABC Ltd. obtains the apple orchard from owner (i.e. the lessor) to raise the apple trees for
             subsequent harvest of the apples to ensure that the apples are as per the requirements of ABC Ltd. ABC
             Ltd. makes a fixed annual payment to the owner of the apple orchards (i.e. the lessor).
        Explain whether ABC Ltd. is engaged in agricultural activity as per Ind AS 41 in both of the cases?

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