Page 17 - 33. FR RTP NOV. 22
P. 17

Solution 5

        Reconciliation of income tax expense and current tax as per accounting profit for the year ended 31st
        March, 20X1
                       Particulars                                                      Rs. in crore
                       Accounting profit                                                   594.00
                       Tax at the applicable tax rate of 30%                               178.20
                       Tax effect of expenses that are not deductible in determining
                       taxable profits:
                       Penalties (1.00 x 30%)                                      0.30

                       Impairment of goodwill (44.00 x 30%)                       13.20
                       Corporate social responsibility expense (6.00 x 30%)        1.80    15.30
                       Tax effect of expenses that are deductible in determining taxable
                       Research and development expenses (8.00 x 30%)                      (2.40)
                       Tax effect of income that are exempted in determining taxable
                       Dividend income (Exempt) (4.00 x 30%)                       1.20
                       Agriculture income (Exempt) (55.00 x 30%)                  16.50    (17.70)
                       Tax effect of income on which different tax rates are used for
                       determining taxable profits:
                       Differential income tax on long term capital gain [10.00 x (30%   2.00
                       - 10%)]
                       Foreign income in USA [60.00 x (30%-20%)]                   6.00    (8.00)
                       Income tax expense (Current) reported in the Statement of Profit
                       and Loss for the current year                                       165.40

                 Reconciliation of deferred tax:

                          Particulars                                                Rs. in crore
                          Deferred tax in relation to depreciation and amortization [(30 –
                          25) x 30%]                                                     1.50
                          Tax expense (deferred) reported in the Statement of Profit or
                          Loss for the current year                                      1.50

        Solution 6

        Paragraph 28 of Ind AS 34, Interim Financial Reporting states that an entity shall apply the same accounting
        recognition  and  measurement  principles  in  its  interim  financial  statements  as  are  applied  in  its  annual
        financial statements.
        Further, paragraphs 32 and 33 of Ind AS 34, Interim Financial Reporting state that for assets, the same tests

        of future economic benefits apply at interim dates and at the end of an entity‖s financial year. Costs that, by
        their  nature,  would  not  qualify  as  assets  at  financial  year-end  would  not  qualify  at  interim  dates  either.
        Similarly, a liability at the end of an interim reporting period must represent an existing obligation at that
        date, just as it must at the end of an annual reporting period.
        An  essential  characteristic  of  income  (revenue)  and  expenses  is  that  the  related  inflows  and  outflows  of
        assets  and  liabilities  have  already  taken  place.  If  those  inflows  or  outflows  have  taken  place,  the  related

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