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        Amendments applicable from November, 2022 examination

        Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) (Amendment) Rules, 2022

        MCA has issued Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) (Amendment) Rules, 2022 to amend Companies
        (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 vide notification G.S.R. 255(E) dated 23rd March, 2022. These
        amendments are generally brought by MCA to keep uniformity between Ind AS and IFRS. However, this time
        MCA has come out with a carve out in Ind AS 16. These amendments come into effect from 1st April, 2022
        and is applicable for the financial year 2022-2023 onwards for the financial statements prepared on the basis
        of Ind AS. Following are the areas in which the amendments have been brought in by the MCA through this

          Amendment to Ind AS 16 ―Property, Plant and Equipment‖ on accounting of proceeds from selling of items
            produced during testing and carve out in this regard from IAS 16 .
          Amendment to Ind AS 37 ―Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets‖ on determination of
            cost of fulfilling a contract for measurement of provision for an onerous contract.

          Amendments to Ind AS 103 ―Business Combinations‖ with reference to Conceptual Framework for Financial
            Reporting  and  insertion  of  certain  paragraphs  under  exceptions  to  recognition  principle  on  liabilities,
            contingent liabilities and contingent assets
          Annual  improvements  to  Ind  AS  (2021)  in  Ind  AS  101  ―First  Time  Adoption  of  Indian  Accounting
            Standards‖, Ind AS 109 ―Financial Instruments‖ and Ind AS 41 ―Agriculture‖.

        The key amendments to Ind AS pursuant to the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) (Amendments)
        Rules, 2022 are explained below:

                   Ind AS               Significant amendment made in 2022
                   Ind AS 16, ―Property,   Para 17(e) of Ind  AS 16 has been amended by adding a clarification
                   Plant and Equipment‖  that  the  excess  of  net  proceeds  from  sale  of  items  produced  during
                                        testing  will  not  be  credited  to  Profit  or  loss  i.e.  it  will  be  deducted
                                        from the cost of an item of property, plant and equipment.

                Ind AS            Significant amendment made in 2022
                                  However, amendment made in IAS 16 by IASB prohibited deduction of proceeds of
                                  items  produced  during  testing  from  cost  of  an  item  of  property,  plant  and
                                  This differential treatment in IAS 16 and Ind AS 16 has led to a carve out, which
                                  will have consequential impact on depreciation, impairment and deferred tax.

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