Page 3 - 33. FR RTP NOV. 22
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Ind AS 37         Paragraph 68A has been inserted which clarifies which cost needs to be considered
                ―Provisions,      in the costs to fulfil a contract while determining whether the contract as onerous.
                Contingent        As  per  the  amendment  made  in  2022,  both  the  incremental  costs  to  fulfil  a
                Liabilities and   contract and allocation of directly attributable costs will form part of the cost used
                Contingent Assets‖  for determination of onerous contract.
                                  Para  69  has  been  amended  by  replacing  ―assets  dedicated  to  the  contract‖  to
                                  ―assets  used  in  fulfilling  the  contract‖.  This  amendment  requires  to  take  into
                                  consideration the impairment loss on all the assets whose cost will be considered
                                  in assessing the contract as onerous.
                                  These  amendments  are  prospective  from  1st  April,  2022  with  cumulative  effect
                                  recognised  in  the  opening  balance  of  retained  earnings  or  other  component  of
                                  equity, as appropriate on 1st April, 2022. Comparative period financials not to be

                Ind AS 103        In March, 2018, IASB revised Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting.
                ―Business         Accordingly, ICAI in August, 2020 came out with the revised Conceptual Framework
                Combinations‖     for Financial Reporting (the Conceptual Framework) under Ind AS.
                                  The amendments made in Ind AS 103 is due to change in reference to Conceptual
                                  Framework  without  change  in  the  accounting  requirements  for  business
                                  Due  to  revision  in  the  Conceptual  Framework,  there  were  certain  accounting
                                  implications to contingent liabilities and levies within the scope of Ind AS 37 and
                                  Appendix C ―Levies‖.
                                  As per it, the assets and liabilities in a business combination are recognised if they
                                  meet the definition of an asset or liability as per

                 Ind AS               Significant amendment made in 2022
                                      the  Conceptual  Framework.  The  timing  of  recognition  of  a  levy  may
                                      sometimes  be  different  due  to  specific  guidance  given  in  Appendix  C.
                                      Therefore, while recognizing levies at the acquisition date, an acquirer might
                                      recognise at the acquisition date a liability to pay a levy that it would not
                                      recognise  subsequently  when  applying  Appendix  C  ―Levies‖.  This  difference
                                      would arise because an entity might recognise a liability earlier by applying
                                      the Conceptual Framework. This liability would be derecognized immediately
                                      afterwards when principles of Appendix C are applied, and the entity would
                                      recognise a so-called Day 2 gain.
                                      Therefore,  to  resolve  this  implication,  Ind  AS  103  has  been  amended  with
                                      regards  to  recognition  exception  for  contingent  liabilities  and  levies  by
                                      inserting para 21A to 21C. An exception has been added to the requirements
                                      of para 11 of Ind AS 103 for liabilities and contingent liabilities that would
                                      be  within  the  scope  of  Ind  AS  37  or  Appendix  C  if  incurred  separately,
                                      rather than assumed in a business combination.
                                      Further,  Ind  AS  103  prohibited  the  recognition  of  contingent  assets  even
                                      prior  to  the  2022  amendments.  However,  prohibition  was  not  stated
                                      explicitly in Ind AS 103 itself. Therefore, para 23A has been inserted in Ind
                                      AS 103 to explicitly prohibit recognition of contingent asset.
                 Ind AS 101 ―First    Para D13 of Ind AS 101 provides an exemption to a first -time adopter of Ind
                 time adoption of     AS  with  regard  to  cumulative  translation  differences  on  the  date  of

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