Page 4 - 33. FR RTP NOV. 22
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Indian Accounting    transition  to  Ind  AS.  According  to  it,  first  time  adopter  of  Ind  AS  are
                 Standards‖           permitted  to  deem  all  cumulative  translation  differences  for  all  foreign
                                      operations to be zero on the date of transition to Ind AS.
                                      Para  D13A  has  been  inserted  in  Ind  AS  101  which  removes  the  conflict
                                      between the requirements of paragraph D16(a) of Ind AS 101 which provides
                                      exemption where a subsidiary adopts Ind AS later than its parents and the
                                      exemptions  on  cumulative  translation  differences  at  the  carrying  amount
                                      included in the parent‖s consolidated financial statements. Similar exemption
                                      is available to joint venture and an associate that uses the exemption in para
                                      D16(a) of Ind AS 101. Para D16(a) of

                      Ind AS                Significant amendment made in 2022
                                            Ind AS 101 provides that a subsidiary can measure its assets and
                                            liabilities  at  the  carrying  amounts  in  parent‖s  consolidated
                                            financial statements.
                      Ind AS 109 ―Financial   As per Ind AS 109, a financial liability is derecognised when it is
                      Instruments‖          extinguished,  which  includes  exchange  between  an  existing
                                            borrower and lender due to different or substantial modification
                                            in terms of the contract.
                                            Further, Ind AS 109 clarified that terms are considered to have
                                            been substantially modified when the net present value of the
                                            cash flows under the new terms (including any fees paid net of
                                            any fees received) and discounted using the original EIR differs
                                            by  atleast  10%  from  the  present  value  of  the  remaining  cash
                                            flows under the original terms.
                                            Earlier what is to be included in the fees paid and fees received
                                            was not mentioned in the standard.
                                            Now  the  amendment  has  been  made  in  2022  by  substituting
                                            para  B3.3.6  and  inserting  para  B3.3.6A  in  Ind  AS  109  which
                                            clarify  that  the  fees  paid  (for  the  above  purpose)  includes
                                            amount paid by the borrower to or on behalf of the lender and
                                            fees received includes fees amounts paid by the lender to or on
                                            behalf of the borrower.
                                            The  above  amendment  will  be  applied  prospectively  to
                                            modifications and exchanges that occur on or after the date the
                                            entity first applies the amendment.
                      Ind     AS      41    Earlier para 22 of Ind AS 41 prescribed certain cash flows that
                      ―Agriculture‖         would  not  be  considered  for  the  purpose  of  assessing  the  fair
                                            Out of those cash flows, the amendment made in 2022 deleted
                                            the  cash  flows  for  taxation  from  the  exclusion  list  for
                                            measurement of fair value.
                                            This implies that  tax cash  flows must be included in  the fair
                                            value measurement of biological assets as per Ind AS 41.

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