Page 23 - 35. FR APRIL 22 MTP QP ANSWERS
P. 23

of impairment, an entity shall also test goodwill acquired in a business combination for impairment
                  Sun  Ltd.  has  not  tested  any  CGU  on  account  of  not  having  any  indication  of  impairment  is

                  partially correct i.e. in respect of CGU A and B but not for CGU C. Hence, the treatment made by
                  the Company is not in accordance with Ind AS 36.
                  Impairment testing in respect of CGU A and B are not required s ince there are no indications of
                  impairment.  However,  Sun  Ltd  shall  test  CGU  C  irrespective  of  any  indication  of  impairment
                  annually as the goodwill acquired on business combination is fully allocated to CGU ‘C’.

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