Page 19 - 35. FR APRIL 22 MTP QP ANSWERS
P. 19

3.  Calculation of Goodwill / Capital Reserve on the acquisition

                                                               S Ltd.          SS Ltd.
                          Investment or consideration          340             (280 x 80%) 224
                          Add: NCI at Fair value
                               (400 x 20%)                     80
                               (320 x 40%)                     -               128

                                                               420             352
                          Less: Identifiable net assets (Share Capital (400+125) (525) (320+115) (435)
                          + Increase in the Reserves and Surplus till
                          acquisition date)

                          Capital Reserve                      105             83
                          Total Capital Reserve (105 + 83)     188
        4.  Calculation of Non-controlling Interest
                                                                 S Ltd.            SS Ltd.

                        At Fair Value (See Note 3)               80                128
                        Add: Post Acquisition Reserves (See Note 1)   (10 x 20%) 2   (10 x 40%) 4
                        Add:  Post  Acquisition  Retained  Earnings   (15 x 20%) 3   (13 x 40%) 5.2
                               (See Note 1)
                        Less: NCI share of investment in SS Ltd.   (280 x 20%) (56)* -

                                                                 29                137.2
                        Total (29 + 137.2)                       166.2
                  *Note: The Non-controlling interest in S Ltd. Will take its proportion in SS Ltd. So they have to
                  bear their proportion in the investment by S Ltd. (in SS Ltd.) also.
        5.  Calculation of Consolidated Other Equity

                                                  Reserves               Retained Earnings
                           P Ltd.                 180                    160
                           Add: Share in S Ltd.   (10 x 80%) 8           (15 x 80%) 12

                           Add: Share in SS Ltd.   (10 x 60%) 6          (13 x 60%) 7.8
                                                  194                    179.8

        (b) The transaction price should include management’s estimate of the amount of consideration to which the
            entity will be entitled for the work performed.

                      Probability-weighted                                       Consideration
                      ` 1,50,000 (fixed fee plus full performance bonus) x 60%   ` 90,000

                      ` 1,45,000 (fixed fee plus 90% of performance bonus) x 30%  ` 43,500
                      ` 1,40,000 (fixed fee plus 80% of performance bonus) x 10%  ` 14,000

                      Total probability-weighted consideration                   ` 1,47,500
                  Based on the probability-weighted estimate, the total transaction price is ` 1,47,500. The contractor
                  have to update its estimate at each reporting date.

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