Page 20 - 35. FR APRIL 22 MTP QP ANSWERS
P. 20

Solution 5

        (a) The following table shows the amount of income tax expense that is reported in each quarter:

        Expected Total Income                       = 15,000 x 4 = ` 60,000
        Expected Tax as per slabs                   =  20,000  x  20%  +  40,000  x  40%  =  `  20,000
        Average Annual Income tax rate              = 20,000/60,000 x 100 = 33.33%
                                                                         Amount (`)

                                           Q1            Q2             Q3            Q4
                     Profit before tax     15,000        15,000         15,000        15,000
                     Tax expense           5,000         5,000          5,000         5,000

        (b)  T Ltd. concludes that the modem and router are each distinct and that the arrangement includes three
             performance  obligations  (the  modem,  the  router  and  the  internet  services)  based  on  the  following
        Criterion 1: Capable of being distinct
            C can benefit from the modem and router on their own because they can be resold for more than scrap

            C can benefit from the internet services in conjunction with readily available resources – i.e. either the
             modem  and  router  are  already  delivered  at  the  time  of  contract  set-  up,  they  could  be  bought  from
             alternative retail vendors or the internet service could be used with different equipment.
        Criterion 2: Distinct within the context of the contract
            T Ltd. does not provide a significant integration service.
            The modem, router and internet services do not modify or customise one another.

            C could benefit from the internet services using routers and modems that are not sold by T Ltd.
                  Therefore, the modem, router and internet services are not highly dependent on or highly inter-
                  related with each other.

        (c)  Allocated price per unit (year) is calculated as follows:
                  Total estimated memberships is 175 members (Year 1 = 100; Year 2 = 50; Year 3 = 25) = 175
                  Total consideration is ` 12,00,000 {(100 x 7,500) + (50 x 6,000) + (25 x 6,000)}
                  Allocated price per membership is ` 6,857 approx. (12,00,000 / 175)
                  Basis on above, it is to be noted that although entity has collected ` 7,500 but revenue can be

                  recognised at ` 6,857 approx. per membership and remaining ` 643 should be recorded as contract
                  liability against option given to customer for renewing their membership at discount.


        (i)  If Mr. X controls or jointly controls A Limited, then Mr. X is a related party to A limited. B Limited will
             be considered as related to A Limited when Ms. Y also has control, joint control or significant influence
             over B Limited because Ms. Y is a domestic partner of Mr. X.

        (ii)  If Ms. Y controls or jointly controls B Limited, then Ms. Y is a related party to B limited. A Limited will
             be considered as related to B Limited when Mr. X also has control, joint control or significant influence
             over A Limited because Mr. X is a domestic partner of Ms. Y.
        (iii)  No, Significant influence does not lead to direct / indirect control between the A Ltd. and B Ltd. Hence,

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