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P. 129

Part 4- SA 510

        QNO      Audit Procedures for Opening Balance   Old Course – (N04E, N09E, N13R, N14R, M15E, M16M, N16M,
        66.000   TITANIUM CNO--SA510.020/SA510.040          SM17, PM17, N17R, M18M, N18R, N19M, N19E, SM21)

                 a) What are ‘Initial Audit Engagements’?

                 (b)  In  an  initial  audit  engagement,  the  auditor  will  have  to  satisfy  about  the  sufficiency  and
                 appropriateness  of  ‘Opening  Balances’  to  ensure  that  they  are  free  from  misstatements,  which  may
                 materially affect the current financial statements. Lay down the audit procedure, you will follow in
                 cases: -
                 (i) when the financial statements are audited for the preceding period by another auditor; and
                 (ii) when financial statements are audited for the first time.

                 (c) If, after performing the procedure, you are not satisfied about the correctness of ‘Opening Balances’;
                 what approach you will adopt in drafting your audit report in two situations mentioned in (b) above?
                 You  have  been  appointed  as  the  auditor  of  Top  Health  Ltd.  for  2017-18  which  was  audited  by  CA
                 Trustworthy in 2016-17. As the Auditor of the company state the steps you would take to ensure that
                 the Closing Balances of 2016-17 have been brought to account in 2017-18 as Opening Balances and
                 the Opening Balances do not contain misstatements.
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  SA 510 “Initial Audit Engagements – Opening Balances

                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  Initial  Audit  Engagement:  -  Prior  period  FST  Not  Audited  or  Audited  by  Predecessor
                        As  per  SA  510  “Initial  Audit  Engagements  -  Opening  Balances”,  initial  audit  engagement  is  an
                        engagement in which either:
                            •  The financial statements for the prior period were not audited; or
                            •  The financial statements for the prior period were audited by a predecessor auditor.

                     ➢  Audit Procedures: -
                            •   Check whether closing balances have been correctly brought forward from last year
                               ledger. / Agree opening balance with the most recent financial statements / Read
                               predecessor audit report if any. (If any modification it should be marked as RMM)
                               /  If  any  adjustment  is  shown  as  prior  period  item,  trace  to  previous  period
                               documents. / Whether audit procedures performed in the current period provide
                               evidence relevant to the opening balances
                               The auditor shall obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence about whether the opening
                               balances  contain  misstatements  that  materially  affect  the  current  period’s  financial
                               statements by:
                                  •  Determining  whether  the  prior  period’s  closing  balances  have  been  correctly
                                      brought forward to the current period or, when appropriate, any adjustments have
                                      been disclosed as prior period items in the current year’s Statement of Profit and
                                  •  The  auditor  shall  read  the  most  recent  financial  statements,  if  any,  and  the
                                      predecessor auditor’s report thereon, if any, for information relevant to opening
                                      balances, including disclosures.
                                  •  Performing one or more of the following:
                                         o  Where  the  prior  year  financial  statements  were  audited,  perusing  the
                                             copies of the audited financial statements including the other relevant
                                             documents relating to the prior period financial statements;

                                         o  Evaluating  whether  audit  procedures  performed  in  the  current  period
                                             provide evidence relevant to the opening balances; or
                                         o  Performing  specific  audit  procedures  to  obtain  evidence  regarding  the
                                             opening balances.                                                      PARAM                               5.16 | P a g e
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