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P. 125

QNO     Factors to be considered before using negative confirmation.             Old Course – (M19E)
        62.100  TITANIUM CNO--SA505.040/ SA505.060
                ABC & Co, LLP are appointed auditors of Sharp Company Ltd for the year ended 31  March 2019. As part of
                the audit process, they want to use confirmation procedures as audit evidence during the Course of audit.

                In view of the fact that positive confirmations are not responded favorably , the firm also intends to use
                negative confirmation requests. What are the factors to be considered for the same?
        Answer      ➢  As  per  SA  505,  “External  Confirmation”,  factors  to  be  considered  when  designing  confirmation
                       requests include:

                           •   Refer QNO 62.0

                    ➢  Factors to be considered for Negative Confirmation requests:
                           •   Definition
                               •   Negative confirmation request –
                                  A  request  that  the  confirming  party  respond  directly  to  the  auditor  only  if  the
                                  confirming party disagrees with the information provided in the request.

                           •   Situations
                               Negative confirmations provide less persuasive audit evidence than positive confirmations.
                               Accordingly,  the  auditor  shall  not  use  negative  confirmation  requests  as  the  sole
                               substantive audit procedure to address an assessed risk of material misstatement at the
                               assertion level unless all of the following are present:
                               •  The auditor has assessed the risk of material misstatement as low and has obtained
                                  sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the operating effectiveness of controls
                                  relevant to the assertion.
                               •  The population of items subject to negative confirmation procedures comprises a large
                                  number of small, homogeneous, account balances, transactions or conditions.
                               •  A very low exception rate is expected; and                                                      PARAM                               5.12 | P a g e
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