Page 126 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 126

•  The auditor is not aware of circumstances or conditions that would cause recipients of
                                  negative confirmation requests to disregard such requests.

                    ➢  Accordingly, a failure of a confirming party to respond to a negative confirmation request provides
                       significantly less persuasive audit evidence than does a response to a positive confirmation request.
                           •  Confirming parties also may be more likely to respond indicating their disagreement with a
                               confirmation request when the information in the request is not in their favour, and less
                               likely to respond otherwise.

                 External Confirmation (Use of Negative       Old Course – (M14E, PM17, SM17, M18R, SM21,N22E)
        QNO      Confirmation Request Inappropriate)                                       New Course – (SM23)
                 TITANIUM CNO -- SA505.060
                 During the course of audit of Moon Limited the auditor received some of the confirmation of the balances
                 of  trade  payables  outstanding  in  the  balance  sheet  through  external  confirmation  by  negative
                 confirmation  request.  In  the  list  of  trade  payables,  there  are  number  of  trade  payables  of  small
                 balances except one old outstanding of Rs 25 Lacs, of whom, no confirmation on the credit balance

                 received. Comment with respect to Standard of Auditing.
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  SA 505 “External Confirmation”

                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  Negative Confirmation Definition: - Confirming party should response only if they disagree
                        with info given in EC request.
                        As per SA 505, Negative Confirmation is a request that the confirming party respond directly to the
                        auditor only if the confirming party disagrees with the information provided in the request.

                     ➢  Less Persuasive: - In NCR there is no response if TP agrees to Info. In PCR there is
                        response with confirmation if info agrees. NCR provides less persuasive evidence because
                        if there is no response, it may be because request is not received, Or they may not have
                        replied because information disagreement may be favourable for them. Or they were just
                        careless to reply. Hence no response is not explicitly indicating accuracy of information.
                        NCR should be used for large number of small homogenous balances. It should not be used
                        for big balances.

                        Negative confirmations provide less persuasive audit evidence than positive confirmations. The
                        failure to receive a response to a negative confirmation request does not explicitly indicate receipt
                        by the intended confirming party of the confirmation request or verification of the accuracy of the
                        information contained in the request. Accordingly, a failure of a confirming party to respond to a
                        negative confirmation request provides significantly less persuasive audit evidence than does a
                        response to a positive confirmation request. Confirming parties also may be more likely to respond
                        indicating their disagreement with a confirmation request when the information in the request is
                        not in their favour, and less likely to respond otherwise.

                     ➢  No Response: - No response in NCR does not means misstatement / As NCR requires to
                        respond only if there is disagreement / if Auditor has doubt he can examine subsequent
                        cash disbursements / correspondence with TP / Examine other documents such as GRN
                        Further  non-response  for  negative  confirmation  request  does  not  means  that  there  is  some
                        misstatement  as  negative  confirmation  request  itself  is  to  respond  to  the  auditor  only  if  the
                        confirming party disagrees with the information provided in the request. In case of non-response,
                        the auditor may examine subsequent cash disbursements or correspondence from third parties,
                        and other records, such as goods received notes.

                 Part III – Case Discussion
                     ➢  Use of  NCR:  - Auditor  has used  NCR. There are many  small credit  balances, but one
                        balance is of 25 lakhs and it is old outstanding.
                        In the instant case, the auditor sent the negative confirmation requesting the trade payables having
                        outstanding  balances  in  the  balance  sheet  while  doing  audit  of  Star  Limited.  One  of  the  old
                        outstanding of Rs 25 lacs has not sent the confirmation on the credit balance.                                                      PARAM                               5.13 | P a g e
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