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P. 124

Part 3- SA 505

        QNO      Designing Confirmation Request                   Old Course – (M16E, N17M, N18R, SM17, SM21)
        62.000   TITANIUM CNO--SA505.040
                 Mr H who is appointed as auditor of EXL Co Ltd wants to use confirmation request as audit evidence during
                 the course of audit What are the factors to be considered by Mr H when designing a confirmation

                 request? Also state the effects of using positive external confirmation request by Mr H.
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  SA 505, External Confirmation

                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws

                    ➢  As  per  SA  505,  “External  Confirmation”,  factors  to  be  considered  when  designing  confirmation
                      requests include:

                            •  The assertions being addressed.
                            •  Specific identified risks of material misstatement, including fraud risks.
                            •  The layout and presentation of the confirmation request.
                            •  Prior experience on the audit or similar engagements.
                            •  The  method  of  communication  (for  example,  in  paper  form,  or  by  electronic  or  other
                            •  Management’s authorisation or encouragement to the confirming parties to respond to
                               the auditor. Confirming parties may only be willing to respond to a confirmation request
                               containing management’s authorisation.
                            •  The  ability  of  the  intended  confirming  party  to  confirm  or  provide  the  requested
                               information (for example, individual invoice amount versus total balance).

                    ➢  Positive Confirmation Request: - Requests reply in all cases irrespective of whether confirming
                      party agrees to info given or by directly asking information. There is risk that party responds
                      without verifying hence its better don’t state info / amount simply ask for it

                        A positive external confirmation request asks the confirming party to reply to the auditor in all
                        cases, either by indicating the confirming party’s agreement with the given information, or by asking
                        the confirming party to provide information. A response to a positive confirmation request ordinarily
                        is expected to provide reliable audit evidence. There is a risk, however, that a confirming party may
                        reply to the confirmation request without verifying that the information is correct. The auditor
                        may reduce this risk by using positive confirmation requests that do not state the amount (or
                        other information) on the confirmation request and ask the confirming party to fill in the amount
                        or furnish other information. On the other hand, use of this type of “blank” confirmation request
                        may result in lower response rates because additional effort is required of the confirming parties.

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