Page 136 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 136

reduce  the variability  of  items  within  each  stratum  and  therefore  allow  sample  size  to  be
                            reduced without increasing sampling risk.

                         2.  When performing tests of details, the population is often stratified by monetary value. This
                            allows greater audit effort to be directed to the larger value items, as these items may contain
                            the greatest potential misstatement in terms of overstatement. Similarly, a population may be
                            stratified according to a particular characteristic that indicates a higher risk of misstatement,
                            for example, when testing the allowance for doubtful accounts in the valuation of accounts
                            receivable, balances may be stratified by age.

                         3.  The results of audit procedures applied to a sample of items within a stratum can only be
                            projected  to  the  items  that  make  up  that  stratum.  To  draw  a  conclusion  on  the  entire
                            population, the auditor will need to consider the risk of material misstatement in relation to
                            whatever other strata make  up the entire  population. For example, 20% of  the  items in a
                            population may make up 90% of the value of an account balance. The auditor may decide to
                            examine a sample of these items. The auditor evaluates the results of this sample and reaches
                            a conclusion on the 90% of value separately from the remaining 10% (on which a further sample
                            or  other  means  of  gathering  audit  evidence  will  be  used,  or  which  may  be  considered

                         4.  If a class of transactions or account balance has been divided into strata, the misstatement is
                            projected for each stratum separately. Projected misstatements for each stratum are then
                            combined  when  considering  the  possible  effect  of  misstatements  on  the  total  class  of
                            transactions or account balance.

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