Page 137 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 137

Part 6- SA 550

        QNO      Related Party (Sources)                     Old Course – (M06E, N08R, M11R, M12E, N12E, M14R,
        82.000   TITANIUM CNO--SA550.060                                      N15E, PM17, N18M, M19M, N19E)

                 The  training  partner  in  your  office  is  aware  that  you  have  covered  SA  550  Related  Parties  in  your
                 professional studies. He has asked you to help him prepare for a training session he is about to give.
                 Prepare notes for a training session for junior staff on how to verify the existence of related party

                 In the course of audit of Q Ltd, its statutory auditor wants to be sure of the adequacy of related party
                 disclosures? Kindly guide the auditor in identifying the possible source of related party information.
                 JY & Co is appointed as auditor of Breeze Ltd JY & Co seeks your guidance for reviewing the records and
                 documentation of the company regarding ‘related party transactions in the normal course of business’
                 Describe the steps to be followed
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  SA 550, Related Parties

                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ➢  Inspecting Records or Documents may indicate existence of related party relationships or
                        transactions which were not identified or Mgt didn’t disclose it to auditor.
                        During  the  audit,  the  auditor  shall  remain  alert,  when  inspecting  records  or  documents,  for
                        arrangements or other information that may indicate the existence of related party relationships
                        or transactions that management has not previously identified or disclosed to the auditor.

                     ➢  Compulsory to see following documents: -
                            •   Legal,  Bank,  TP  Confirmations  /  Minutes  of  Shareholders,  TCWG  /  Such  other
                               In particular, the auditor shall inspect the following for indications of the existence of
                               related party relationships or transactions that management has not previously identified
                               or disclosed to the auditor:
                                   •  Bank (For guarantees / securities given or taken, arrangements such as minimum
                                       balance setoff arrangement / joint holders / nominee) legal (Contracts / MOUs etc)
                                       and third-party confirmations (From Directors / Subsidiaries) obtained as part of
                                       the auditor’s procedures;
                                   •  Minutes of meetings of shareholders and of those charged with governance; and
                                       (Approvals under Sec 177 & Sec 188)
                                   •  Such  other  records  or  documents  as  the  auditor  considers  necessary  in  the
                                       circumstances of the entity. (E.g. Company Restructuring Documents)

                     ➢  Documents which can give information about related parties: -
                            •   AS 18 / Schedule III disclosures of Previous Years (Old Records)
                            •   Shareholders register (Control / SI)
                            •   Director’s register (SI)
                            •   Contracts with TCWG / Directors / KMP (SI)
                            •   Life insurance policies (SI)
                            •   Records of Entity’s pension plans (SI)
                            •   Statements of Conflict of Interest (SI)
                            •   Investment Register (Control / SI)

                 (Legal Documents)
                            •   BOD / Shareholder Meeting Minutes
                            •   Sec 189 Register
                            •   Information supplied to Regulatory Authorities
                            •   Filing with SEBI / SEC
                            •   Tax Returns                                                      PARAM                               5.24 | P a g e
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