Page 141 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 141

Part 1- SA 560

        QNO      Subsequent Event (Responsibility of Auditor)            Old Course – (M08R, N09E, PM17, N20E)
        85.000   TITANIUM CNO--SA560.020/SA560.060                                        New Course –(SM23)
                 Briefly describe the auditor's responsibility regarding subsequent events.
                 You are the auditor of PQR Ltd. which is in the business of supplying food products to various airline
                 companies  operating  aircrafts  in  domestic  circle  only.  As  per  terms  of  agreement  with  airlines,  the
                 company need to stock various non- perishable food items for coming one month (average holding of
                 inventory to the tune of INR 75 Crores).  Also, the payment terms have been settled and the company
                 receives payment in 45 days after the supply of goods. Everything was going-on well till the end of March

                 2020 when pandemic Covid hit the world and everything came to a standstill. Aviation sector was hit hard
                 and there were no flights from April 2020 onwards. Consequently, the business of  PQR Ltd. also got
                 severely affected and the scheduled supplies of goods to airlines also were not made. Also, the liquidity
                 position of airline companies got hit and the scheduled payments were also not received on due dates. As
                 the auditor of PQR Ltd. what audit procedures would you perform to ensure that all subsequent
                 events are considered, so that financial statements for the year ended 31.03.2020 represent true
                 and fair view?
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                     ▪  AS 4 on " Contingencies and Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date"

                     ▪  SA 560, Subsequent Events
                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                 AS – 4
                     ➢  Subsequent Event Definition: - All significant events / favourable or unfavourable / occur
                        between balance sheet date and date of approval by BOD
                            •   Types of Events: - Events giving evidence regarding conditions existing on balance
                               sheet date / Events giving evidence on conditions which arose after balance sheet
                               Exceptions to above: - Events required to be adjusted by law / Events affecting
                               going concern / Events which are significant / material but not requiring adjustment
                               can be disclosed in notes to accounts

                               AS 4 on "Contingencies and Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date" deals with all
                               those  significant  events,  both  favourable  and  unfavourable,  that  occur  between  the
                               balance sheet date and the date on which the financial statements are approved by the
                               Board of Directors in the case of a company and by the corresponding approving authority
                               in the case of any other entity. As per AS 4, two types of events can be identified:
                                   •  those which provide further evidence of  conditions that existed at the balance
                                       sheet date; and
                                   •  those which are indicative of conditions that arose subsequent to the balance sheet

                 SA 560
                     ➢  Importance of Subsequent Events: - Auditor should plan and examine subsequent events
                        and its accounting because there is possibility that some accounting effects are omitted
                        and examination can help get evidence regarding financial statement items at assertion level
                        When the auditor draws up his audit plan, checking of subsequent events is an important audit
                        procedure irrespective of the level of test checks employed for checking of the transactions during
                        the year. In fact, more detailed check is normally required for subsequent events to confirm certain
                        assertions contained in the financial statements, e.g., the payment made by debtors after the close                                                      PARAM                               6.1 | P a g e
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