Page 140 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 140

•  One of related party transaction amounting 3.25 lac per month i.e., in lieu of marketing
                                services has been noticed of which amount ` 0.25 lac per month is exceeds the arm's
                                length price has not been disclosed highlighting the same as related party
                                transactions as per Ind- AS 24 / AS 18 Related Party Disclosures.
                             •  Refusal by CFO of the company to provide the details of related party transaction
                                amounting to rupees 47 lac on the ground that same is perceived to be confidential and
                                cannot be shared with auditors, is not in order, as denying for the related part details of `
                                47 lac is imposing limitation of scope of auditor in view of SA 705.
                      •  Further,  in  case  of  all  the  above  cases,  the  auditor  would  also  need  to  assess  his  reporting
                         requirements under the clauses (xiii) of Paragraph 3 of CARO 2020 with respect to related
                         party transactions that whether all transactions with the related parties are in compliance with
                         sections  177  and  188  of  Companies  Act,  2013 where  applicable  and the  details  have  been
                         disclosed in the Financial Statements etc., as required by the applicable Accounting Standards.

        QNO      Engagement Team Discussion -- Susceptibility of MMST due to Related Party     Old Course – (M22E)
        84.500   TITANIUM CNO -- Unique
                 JKL Limited is engaged in the business of Construction and real estate having various  projects across states.
                 M/s YT & Co, Chartered Accountants have been appointed as Statutory Auditors. Audit Team from M/s YT
                 & Co for audit of JKL Limited comprises of CA Z-Engagement Partner, CA Q, a paid assistant and 3 Articled
                 Assistants. During preliminary verification, CA Z observed that huge amount of sub-contract payments
                 were made to M/s JB Associates, a partnership firm in which Director of JKL Limited is a managing partner.

                 The  engagement  team  discussed  that  SA  315  and  SA  240  shall  include  specific  consideration  of  the
                 susceptibility of the financial statements to material misstatement due to fraud or error that could result
                 from the JKL Limited's related party relationships and transaction. Highlight the matters that are to be
                 addressed in the discussion by CA Z with engagement team members with reference to the relevant
                 Standard on Auditing.
        Answer  As per SA 550 “Related Parties”, the engagement team discussion that SA 315 and SA 240 require shall
                 include specific consideration of the susceptibility of the financial statements to material misstatement due
                 to fraud or error that could result from the entity’s related party relationships and transactions.
                 Accordingly matters that are to be addressed in the discussion by CA Z among the engagement team include:
                  1.  The nature and extent of the entity’s relationships and transactions with related parties (using, for
                      example, the auditor’s record of identified related parties updated after each audit).
                  2.  An emphasis on the importance of maintaining professional skepticism throughout the audit regarding
                      the potential for material misstatement associated with related party relationships and transactions.
                  3.  The  circumstances  or  conditions  of  the  entity  that  may  indicate  the  existence  of  related  party
                      relationships or transactions that management has not identified or disclosed to the auditor (e.g., a
                      complex organizational structure, use of special - purpose entities for off-balance sheet transactions,
                      or an inadequate information system).
                  4.  The  records  or  documents  that  may  indicate  the  existence  of  related  party  relationships  or
                  5.  The importance that management and those charged with governance attach to the identification,
                      appropriate  accounting  for,  and  disclosure  of  related  party  relationships  and  transactions  (if  the
                      applicable financial reporting framework establishes related party requirements), and the related risk
                      of management override of relevant controls.
                  6.  In addition, the discussion in the context of fraud may include specific consideration of how related
                      parties may be involved in fraud. For example:

                     (a)  how  special-purpose  entities  controlled  by  management  might  be  used  to  facilitate  earnings
                     (b)  how  transactions  between  the  entity  and  a  known  business  partner  of  a  key  member  of
                        management could be arranged to facilitate misappropriation of the entity’s assets.

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