Page 203 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 203

143(11) of the Companies Act, 2013.
                        The  order  applies  to  every  company  including  a  foreign  company  as  defined  in  clause  (42)  of
                        section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013. However, the Order specifically exempts the following class
                        of companies
                            (i)  a banking company as defined in clause (c) of section 5 of the Banking Regulation Act,
                            (ii)  an insurance company as defined under the Insurance Act,1938;
                            (iii) a company licensed to operate under section 8 of the Companies Act;
                            (iv) a One Person Company as defined under clause (62) of section 2 of the Companies Act;
                            (v)  a small company as defined under clause (85) of section 2 of the Companies Act; and
                            (vi) a private limited company, not being a subsidiary or holding of a public company, with a
                                   •  paid up capital and reserves not more than one crore and
                                   •  which  does  not  have  total  borrowings  exceeding  one  crore  from  any  bank  or
                                      financial institution and
                                   •  does not have a turnover exceeding rupees ten crore at any point of time during
                                      the financial year.
                 Part III – Case Discussion
                    ➢  In the given case, E-Tech Pvt. Ltd. has outstanding loan of ₹ 50 lakhs (20 lakhs + 30 lakhs) from
                        Banks and Financial Institutions together, which is not exceeding the limit prescribed under Order
                        for applicability of exemption.

                 Part IV – Conclusion
                    ➢  Therefore, CARO, 2020 will not be applicable to E-Tech Pvt. Ltd. Thus, the period and amount of
                        default need not to be reported for default in repayment of dues to bank or financial institution
                        under clause (viii) of Para 3 of CARO, 2020.
                 Author’s Note
                 Here, even if CARO is not applicable, default in repayment of loan should be disclosed, as schedule III
                 requires such disclosure in the notes

        QNO      Applicability (Pvt Company Focus on Turnover)          Old Course – (N07E, SM17, PM17, SM21)
        386.000  TITANIUM CNO—CARO.020
                 Astha Pvt. Ltd. has fully paid capital of  40 lakh. During the year, the company had borrowed ` 75 lakh
                 from a bank and 15 lakh from financial institution independently. It has the turnover (Net of excise ` 50

                 lakh which is credited to a separate account) of `975 lakh. Will Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2020
                 be applicable to Astha Pvt. Ltd.?
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ▪  CARO, 2020
                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ➢  Applicability of CARO, 2020: The CARO, 2020 specifically exempts a private limited company, not
                        being a subsidiary or holding company of a public company, having a paid up capital and reserves
                        and surplus not more than ₹ 1 crore as on the balance sheet date and which does not have total
                        borrowings exceeding ₹ 1 crore from any bank or financial institution at any point of time during
                        the financial year and which does not have a total revenue as disclosed in Scheduled III to the
                        Companies  Act,  2013  (including  revenue  from  discontinuing  operations)  exceeding  ₹  10  crore
                        during the financial year as per the financial statements.

                 Part III – Case Discussion
                    ➢  In the case of Astha Pvt. Ltd., it has paid capital of ` 40 lakh i.e. less than` 100 lakh, turnover is `
                        9.75  crore  i.e.  less  than  10  crore  since  excise  duty  is  not  taken  into  account  if  it  is  credited
                        separately to excise duty account. However, it has outstanding loan of ` 90 lakh (` 75 lakh + `15
                        lakh) collectively from bank and financial institution.

                 Part IV – Conclusion
                    ➢  Thus, CARO, 2020 will not be applicable to Astha Pvt. Ltd. As it fulfills the condition relating to
                        applicability of CARO 20.
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