Page 199 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 199

are several factors leading to a material uncertainty that   board members in an accident)
                        may  cast  a  significant  doubt  about  the  Company’s
                        ability to continue as a going concern: or
                     ➢  Early application (where permitted) of a new Accounting   (E.g.    New  Ind  AS    not  yet
                        standard  that  has  a  material  effect  on  the  financial   mandatory  but  permits  early
                        statements.                                         application, entity is permitted, but
                                                                            not  required,  to  apply  that  Ind  AS
                                                                            in its first Ind AS FST.)
                     ➢  A  Material  uncertainty  regarding  the  outcome  of  a   (E.g. - Case Verdict - Johnson baby
                        litigation wherein an unfavourable decision could result   power causes cancer)
                        in  a  significant  outflow  of  resources  for  the  company,
                     ➢  An  uncertainty  relating  to  the  future  outcome  of  (E.g.  -  new  law  may  be  passed
                        Exceptional litigation or regulatory action.        against  environmental  pollution
                                                                            and  would  impose  retrospective
                                                                            penalties on company)
                     ➢  A significant  Subsequent event that occurs between the  (E.g.   debtor   whose   financial
                        date  of  the  financial  statements  and  the  date  of  the  condition was not good on the date
                        auditor’s report.                                   financial   statements    went

                                                                            bankrupt    before  the  date  of  the
                                                                            auditor’s report )
                 Author’s Note
                 C-GAMES to understand Examples of Emphasis of Matters which may have an Adverse Effect

                 Examples of Emphasis of Matters which may not affect the Functioning of the Company are:

                     ➢  When a financial reporting framework prescribed by law  (E.g.  FST  of  Space  organisation
                        or regulation would be unacceptable but for the fact that  does not contains detailed notes as
                        it is prescribed by law or regulation               government   law   to   protect
                     ➢  To alert users that the financial statements are prepared  (E.g.T.R.A.I asked for circle wise P&L
                        in accordance with a special purpose framework.     which  is  only  suitable  for  decision
                                                                            making of license fees)
                     ➢  When facts become known to the auditor after the date  (E.g. Revision of Audit report after
                        of the auditor’s report and the auditor provides a new or  BOD revised financial statement to
                        amended auditor’s report (i.e., subsequent events).   include  upward  revaluation  of
                                                                            Fixed asset)

                     ➢  On  managerial  remuneration  which  is  subject  to  the
                        approval of the Central Government;

                     ➢  relating  to  accrual  of  a  contractually  receivable  claim
                        based  on  management  estimate  where  the  ultimate
                        realisation could be different from the amount accrued   (E.g. – Deferred tax Asset)

                     ➢  on  frauds  that  have  been  dealt  with  in  the  financial  (E.g. – Fraud which was undetected
                        statements  of  the  company  and  would  not  have  any  by auditor but got recorded in the
                        accounting effect on the financial statements.      financial statement, inventory was
                                                                            stolen by employee and were also
                                                                            not included in stock taking)

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