Page 205 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 205

Cl 1 & Cl 2 -- Revaluation & Loan Taken Against                          Old Course – (M22R)
        392.200   Current Asset
                 TITANIUM CNO—CARO.040
                 Mr. Arjun was appointed as the engagement partner on behalf of Bhism & Co., a Chartered Accountant
                 Firm, for conducting statutory audit assignment of Sinwar Ltd., unlisted public company.

                 Mr.  Brijesh,  one  of  the  senior  engagement  team  members,  was  given  the  responsibility  to  audit  the
                 matters  as  per  the  requirements  of  CARO,  2020  and  in  that  connection,  he  made  the  following
                 observations, that may be relevant for reporting as per the said Order: -

                  Sr.    Observations

                  (a)    One  of  the  Plant  and  Equipment  taken  on  a  lease  (‘right  of  use’  asset)  by  Sinwar  Ltd.  was
                         revalued based on the valuation by a registered valuer and the net carrying value of Plant and
                         Equipment in aggregate was changed from ₹ 4 crore to ₹ 4.45 crore.
                  (b)    During the year under consideration, cash credit limit of ` 5.5 crore was sanctioned to Sinwar
                         Ltd. by DMC Bank based on the security of current assets which was reduced to ₹ 4.5 crore after
                         6 months. In this connection, quarterly returns have been filed by the company with the DMC
                         bank which are in agreement with Books of Accounts.

                 You are required to examine the contention of Mr. Brijesh regarding reporting of the above observations in
                 accordance with CARO 2020.
        Answer  Matters to be reported by Mr. Brijesh as per CARO, 2020 are as follows:-

                 (a)  According  to  Clause  (i)  (d)  of  Para  3  of  CARO  2020,  the  auditor  is  required  to  report  whether  the
                 company has revalued its Property, Plant and Equipment (including Right of Use assets) or intangible assets
                 or  both  during  the  year  and,  if  so,  whether  the  revaluation  is  based  on  the  valuation  by  a  Registered
                 Valuer; specify the amount of change, if the change is 10% or more in the aggregate of the net carrying
                 value of each class of Property, Plant and Equipment or intangible assets;

                 In the given situation, Sinwar Ltd. has revalued one of the Plant and Equipment taken on a lease (‘right of
                 use’ asset) based on the valuation by a registered valuer. The amount of change in the value of such Plant
                 and Equipment is ₹ 45 lakh. As the net carrying value of Plant and Equipment in aggregate was changed
                 from ₹ 4 crore to ₹ 4.45 crore i.e. change was 10% or more.

                 Thus, the auditor is required to report the amount of change of ₹ 45 lakh in accordance with Clause (i) (d)
                 of Para 3 of CARO 2020.

                 (b) As per Clause (ii) (b) of Para 3 of CARO 2020, the auditor is required to report whether during any point
                 of time of the year, the company has been sanctioned working capital limits in excess of five crore rupees,
                 in aggregate, from banks or financial institutions on the basis of security of current assets; whether the
                 quarterly  returns  or  statements  filed  by  the  company  with  such  banks  or  financial  institutions  are  in
                 agreement with the books of account of the Company, if not, give details;

                 In the instant case, Sinwar Ltd. has been sanctioned a cash credit limit of ₹ 5.5 crore by DMC Bank during
                 the year under consideration, which is exceeding the prescribed limit of ₹ 5 crore based on the security of
                 current assets. Further, quarterly returns have also been filed by the company with the DMC bank in this
                 connection which is in agreement with Books of Accounts.

                 In view of the above, the auditor is required to report the same in accordance with Clause (ii) (b) of Para 3
                 of CARO 2020

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