Page 201 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 201

Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due or by Speed Post followed by an e-mail in
                               confirmation of the same
                               the  report  shall  be  on  the  letterhead  of  the  auditor  containing  postal  address,  e-mail
                               address and contact telephone number or mobile number and be signed by the auditor
                               with his seal and shall indicate his Membership Number; and
                               the report shall be in the form of a statement as specified in Form ADT-4.

                        The provisions of this section shall mutatis mutandis apply to—
                                   (a)  cost accountant conducting cost audit under section 148; or
                                   (b)  the company secretary in practice conducting secretarial audit under section 204
                    ➢  Clause 11 of CARO 20
                        The  auditor  is  required  to  report  -  Whether  any  fraud  by  the  company  or  any  fraud  on  the
                        company by its officers or employees has been noticed or reported during the year; If yes, the
                        nature and the amount involved is to be indicated.

                 Part III – Case Discussion ( Case 1 & 2)
                    ➢  Auditor observed a fraud committed by an employee of the company.

                 Part IV – Conclusion ( Case 1 & 2)
                    ➢  Therefore, reporting of fraud should be done in accordance with section 143(12) of the Act and
                        under Clause 11 ,CARO 20
                 Author’s Note

                 ( Case 3)
                 Part III – Case Discussion
                    ➢  In  the  given  case,  a  statutory  auditor  appointed  by  company  for  the financial  year  ended 31st
                        March 2017 in place of the retiring auditor. During the course of audit, you observe that a fraud
                        had been committed by a general manager who retired in March 2017. While going into further
                        details,  it  was  found  that  the  fraud  was  going  on  since  last  2-3  years  and  the  total  amount
                        misappropriated was likely to exceed ` 100 lakhs.

                 Part IV – Conclusion
                    ➢  In the instant case, a fraud had been committed by a general manager and the amount involved
                        for such misappropriation is exceeding 100 Lakh rupees i.e. 1 crore.
                        Therefore, reporting of fraud should be done to Central Government in accordance with section
                        143(12) of the Act and under Clause 11 ,CARO 20

                 (Case 4)
                 CARO reporting will not be applicable as Mr. Suresh is a Cost auditor. But reporting to central
                 government will be required under Sec 143(12).
                 Part III – Case Discussion
                    ➢  In the instant case, RX Ltd. is a sugar manufacturing company. The company appointed Mr. Suresh,
                        a practicing cost accountant, to conduct cost audit of its cost records under section 148 of the
                        Companies Act, 2013. While conducting audit, Mr. Suresh found some misstatement resulting into
                        fraud committed by the officers of the company amounting rupees 1.5 crore. However, he did not
                        report the matter to the Central Government believing that liability for such reporting lies only
                        with statutory auditor of the company.
                 Part IV – Conclusion
                    ➢  In the given case, Mr. Suresh, being the cost auditor of RX Ltd., found misstatement resulting into
                        fraud amounting 1.5 crore committed by the officers of the company, was required to report the
                        fraud to the Central Government which he failed to do so.

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