Page 211 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 211

•  Nature of borrowing, including debt securities
                            •  Name of lender (Lender wise details to be provided in case of defaults to banks, financial
                               institutions and Government)
                            •  Amount not paid on due date
                            •  Whether principal or interest
                            •  No. of days delay or unpaid
                            •  Remarks, if any
                 Part III – Case Discussion
                    ➢  In the given case, C Ltd. has defaulted in repayments of dues to a financial institution during the
                        financial year 2016-17 which remain outstanding as at March 31, 2017.

                        However, the company has settled the total outstanding dues including interest in April 2017 but,
                        the dues were outstanding as at March 31, 2017.

                 Part IV – Conclusion
                    ➢  Therefore, it needs to be reported in the notes to accounts.
                        The draft report for above matter is as under:

                        “The company has taken a loan during the year, from a financial institution amounting to` XXXX @
                        X% p.a. which is repayable by monthly instalment of ` XXXX for XX months.

                        The company has defaulted in repayment of dues including interest to a financial institution during
                        the financial year 2015-16 amounting to` XXXX which remained outstanding as at March 31, 2017.

                        The period of default is XXX days. However, the outstanding sum was settled by the company in
                        April, 2017.”
                 Author’s Note
                      # Mistake point

                      Students may forget to write on the reporting aspect. Question specifically asks to draft a suitable
                 Auditor's Report.
        QNO      Cl 9--Default in Repayment (Re schedulement)    Old Course – (M11E, M14R, M15R , SM17, PM17)
        404.000   TITANIUM CNO—CARO.200
                 K Ltd. has taken a term loan from a nationalized bank in 2010 for ₹ 200 lakhs repayable in five equal
                 instalments of ₹ 40 lakhs from 31st March 2011 onwards. It had repaid the loans due in 2011 & 2012, but
                 defaulted  in  2013,  2014  &  2015.  As  the  auditor  of  K  Ltd.  what  is  your  responsibility  assuming  that
                 company has sought re schedulement of loan?

        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ▪  Clause (ix) of Para 3 of CARO

                 Part II – Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ➢  Requirements of Clause (ix) of Para 3 of CARO
                        Whether the company has defaulted in repayment of loans or other borrowings or in the payment
                        of interest thereon to any lender, if yes, the period and the amount of default to be reported as

                            •  Nature of borrowing, including debt securities
                            •  Name of lender (Lender wise details to be provided in case of defaults to banks, financial
                               institutions and Government)
                            •  Amount not paid on due date
                            •  Whether principal or interest
                            •  No. of days delay or unpaid
                            •  Remarks, if any
                                             PARAM                                                                      7.51 | P a g e
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