Page 214 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 214

In  the  case  of  LM  Pvt. Ltd,  it  has  paid  up  capital  of  rupees  50  lacs  which  is  below  the
                            specified limit  of rupees 1 crore and turnover is rupees 7.5 crore  which  is also less than
                            specified rupees 10 crore. However, there is total borrowing of rupees 1.20 crore which is
                            more than rupees 1 crore and exceeding the specified limits of rupees 1 crore. Hence CARO,
                            2020 will be applicable to LM Pvt. Ltd.
                    ➢  CARO Clause (ix) & Audit Procedures
                        •  Clause
                            According to clause (ix) of Para 3 of CARO, 2020, the auditor is required to report “whether
                            term  loans  were  applied  for  the  purpose  for  which  the  loans  were  obtained;  if  not,  the
                            amount of loan so diverted and the purpose for which it is used may be reported”

                        •   Audit Procedures
                            The auditor should examine the terms and conditions subject to which the company has
                            obtained the term loans. The auditor may also examine the proposal for grant of loan made
                            to the lender. Normally the end use of the funds raised by term loans is mentioned in the
                            sanction letter or documents containing the terms and conditions of the loan. The auditor
                            should ascertain the purpose for which term loans were sanctioned. The auditor should also
                            compare the purpose for which term loans were sanctioned with the actual utilization of
                            the  loans.  The  auditor  should  obtain  sufficient  appropriate  audit  evidence  regarding  the
                            utilization of the amounts raised. If the auditor finds that the funds have not been utilized
                            for the purpose for which they were obtained, the auditor’s report should state the fact.

                 Case Discussion on Utilization
                    ➢  In the present case, the term loan obtained by LM Private Ltd. amounting rupees 20 lakh have not
                        been  utilized for  erection  expenses  instead  its  utilized  for  renovating  its  administrative  office
                        building. Further, assuming that erection work has not been done and machinery is not being
                        installed, disclosure of the same as Capital Stock under construction is in order.

                 Conclusion on Utilization
                    ➢  Here, the auditor should report the fact in his report that pending utilization of the term loan for
                        erection expenses, the funds were temporarily used for the purpose other than the purpose for
                        which the loan was sanctioned as per clause (ix) of Para 3 of CARO, 2020.

        QNO      Cl 9--Money Raised Temporary Investment                     Old Course – (M08E , PM17, SM17)
        407.000   TITANIUM CNO—CARO.200
                 LM Ltd. had obtained a Term Loan of ` 300 lakhs from a bank for the construction of a factory. Since
                 there was a delay in the construction activities, the said funds were temporarily invested in short term
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ▪  Clause (ix) of Para 3 of CARO, 2020
                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ➢  Term Loan Invested in Short Term Deposits:
                        According to clause (ix) of Para 3 of CARO, 2020, the auditor is required to report “whether term
                        loans were applied for the purpose for which the loans were obtained; if not, the amount of loan
                        so diverted and the purpose for which it is used may be reported”
                 Part III – Case Discussion
                    ➢  In the present case, the term loan obtained by LM Ltd. have not been put to use for construction
                        activities and temporarily invested the same in short term deposit.

                 Part IV – Conclusion
                    ➢  Here, the auditor should report the fact in his report that pending utilization of the term loan for
                        construction of a factory, the funds were temporarily used for the purpose other than the purpose
                        for which the loan was sanctioned as per clause (ix) of Para 3 of CARO, 2020.                                             PARAM                                                                      7.54 | P a g e
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