Page 210 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 210

been made in cash on different dates during the year 2020-21. XMP Pvt. Ltd. has purchased gold from
                such  collections  and  these  transactions  are  not  recorded.  Company  surrendered  and  disclosed  these
                transactions before the assessing officer and paid taxes thereon. However, company has not recorded
                those transactions in books of account even after surrender before Income Tax authorities.

                You want to report the above matters in CARO, but the management requested you not to report them.
                Comment with respect to auditor's response to the management and his reporting requirements to the
                Clause (xviii) of Paragraph 3 of CARO, 2020:
                In the given situation of XMP Pvt Ltd, the auditors RS & Co. resigned due to concerns on the accounting
                matters of the company. However, all the compliances regarding resignation and appointments discussed in
                section  139  and  140  of  the  Companies  Act,  2013  are  also  being  complied  with.  The  auditor  would  be
                required  to  report  the  same  in  CARO,  2020  as  per  Clause  (xviii)  of  Paragraph  3  of  CARO,  2020  given

                Clause  (xviii)  of  Paragraph 3  of  CARO, 2020  requires  the  auditor  to report whether there  has  been  any
                resignation of the statutory auditors during the year, if so, whether the auditor has taken into consideration
                the issues, objections or concerns raised by the outgoing auditors.

                Clause (viii) of Paragraph 3 of CARO, 2020:
                Further, the auditors noticed that a survey was conducted by the Income Tax Department and unrecorded
                sales of Rs 5 Lakhs were unearthed which had been made in cash on different dates during the year. XMP
                Pvt Ltd. has also purchased gold and the transactions remained unrecorded. Though Company surrendered
                and disclosed these transactions before the Assessing Officer and paid taxes thereon. The auditor would be
                required to report in CARO as per Clause (viii) of Paragraph 3 of CARO, 2020.

                Clause (viii) of Paragraph 3 of  CARO, 2020 requires the  auditor to report  -whether any transactions not
                recorded in the books of account have been surrendered or disclosed as income during the year in the tax
                assessments under the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), if so, whether the previously unrecorded income
                has been properly recorded in the books of account during the year.

                Since it is a statutory obligation on the part of the auditor to report in terms of CARO, 2020 as given above
                and consequently management’s request to the auditor that not to report the above transactions is not

        QNO      Cl 9--Default in Repayment  (Amount Repaid after Year End)     Old Course – (M13E, N14E, M16M,
        403.000   TITANIUM CNO—CARO.200                                                         PM17, M18R)
                 C Limited has defaulted in repayment of dues to a financial institution during the financial year 2016-17
                 and  the  same  remained  outstanding  as  at  March  31,  2017.  However,  the  Company  settled  the  total

                 outstanding dues including interest in April, 2017 subsequent to the year end and before completion of
                 the audit. Discuss how you would deal with this matter and draft a suitable Auditor's Report.
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ▪  Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013
                    ▪  Clause (ix) of Para 3 of CARO,2020
                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ➢  Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013
                        Reporting for Default in Repayment of Dues: As per the general instructions for preparation of
                        Balance Sheet, provided under Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013, terms of repayment of
                        term loans and other loans is required to be disclosed in the notes to accounts. It also requires
                        specifying the period and amount of continuing default as on the balance sheet date in repayment
                        of loans and interest, separately in each case.

                    ➢  Clause (ix) of Para 3 of CARO
                        Whether the company has defaulted in repayment of loans or other borrowings or in the payment
                        of interest thereon to any lender, if yes, the period and the amount of default to be reported as
                        below:                                             PARAM                                                                      7.50 | P a g e
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