Page 209 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 209

presume that the demand by Income Tax authority is without any basis.
                    ➢  Therefore, As per AS 29 partly to the extent the company considered that the demand is based on
                        some logical basis, that amount may be provided for and the remaining may be disclosed as the
                        contingent liability.

                        Further, it should be brought to notice of members by reporting under Clause (vii)(b) of Para 3 of
                        CARO, 2020
                 Author’s Note
                    •  In  the  question  instead  of Custom  duty  had  there  been GST  then  it would  also  have  attracted
                        reporting under clause (vii) (a) since GST being a periodical payment.
                    •  Clause  (vii)(a)  includes  statutory  dues  related  to  Goods  and  Services  Tax,  provident  fund,
                        employees'  state  insurance,  income-tax,  sales-tax,  service  tax,  duty  of  customs,  duty  of  excise,
                        value added tax, cess and any other statutory dues to the appropriate authorities

        QNO     Cl 7--Statutory Due (PF Not Deposited)            Old Course – (M04E, M08E, N11R, M12R, N15R,
        401.000  TITANIUM CNO—CARO.160                                      M16E, PM17, N17M, M18M, N18M)
                During the course of audit of CT Ltd. for the financial year 2016-17, it has been noticed that Rs. 2.00 lakhs
                of employee contribution and Rs. 9.50 lakhs of employer contribution towards employee state insurance
                contribution have been accounted in the books of accounts in respective heads. Whereas it was found
                that Rs. 4.00 lakhs only have been deposited with ESIC department during the year ended 31st March
                2017. The Finance Manager informed the auditor that due to financial crunch they have not deposited
                the amount due but will deposit the amount overdue along with interest as and when financial position
                improves. Comment as a statutory auditor.
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ▪  SA 250 “Consideration of Laws and Regulations”
                    ▪  Clause (vii)(a) of Para 3 of CARO, 2020
                Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ➢  Clause (vii)(a) of Para 3 of CARO, 2020

                       Whether  the  company  is  regular  in  depositing  undisputed  statutory  dues  including  Goods  and
                       Services Tax, provident fund, employees' state insurance, income-tax, sales-tax, service tax, duty of
                       customs,  duty  of  excise, value  added tax,  cess  and  any  other  statutory  dues  to the  appropriate
                       authorities and if not, the extent of the arrears of outstanding statutory dues as on the last day of
                       the financial  year  concerned  for  a  period  of  more  than  six  months  from the  date  they  became
                       payable, shall be indicated

                    ➢  Requirements of SA 250 “Consideration of Laws and Regulations”
                        Refer from QNO 399.000
                Part III– Case Discussion
                    ➢  Rs.  2.00  lakhs  of  employee  contribution  and  Rs.  9.50  lakhs  of  employer  contribution  towards
                        employee state insurance contribution have been accounted in the books of accounts but only Rs.
                        4.00 lakhs only has been deposited with ESIC department during the year ended 31st March, 2017.
                    ➢  In the instant case, even though accrual principles have been followed, disclosure of non-payment
                        is necessary. The auditor should disclose the fact of non-payment of rupees 7.50 lakhs in his report.

        QNO     Cl 8 & 18 Case Study                                                      Old Course – (N22E)
        402.500 TITANIUM CNO— CARO.180
                You are appointed as the Auditor of XMP Pvt. Ltd. for financial year 2021-22 after the resignation of RS &
                Co. Chartered Accountants, as statutory auditor of the company. RS & Co., had certain concerns on the
                accounting matters of the company, leading to change of auditors. All the compliances under Sections 139
                and 140 are made by the company with regard to resignation and appointment.

                During the course of audit, it came to your notice that a survey has been conducted on December 7, 2021
                by the Income Tax Department and department has unearthed unrecorded sales of ` 5 lakhs which had                                             PARAM                                                                      7.49 | P a g e
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