Page 217 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
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Act, 2013 where applicable and the details have been disclosed in the Financial Statements etc., as
                        required by the applicable accounting standards;”

                        Therefore, the duty of the auditor, under this clause is to report
                            •  Whether all transactions with the related parties are in compliance with section 177 and
                               188 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“Act”);
                            •  Whether  related  party  disclosures  as  required  by  relevant  Accounting  Standards  (AS
                               18/IND AS 24, as may be applicable) are disclosed in the financial statements.

                 Part III – Case Discussion
                    ➢  In the Instant case, MG Associates is a related party and also rendering marketing services to MM
                        Ltd.  in  return  of  Consideration  of  ₹  4  Lakhs  which  is  related  party  transaction.  No  separate
                        disclosure has been made in the notes to accounts in this context, which was required to be made.
                 Part IV Conclusion
                    ➢  In view of above, Auditor shall report under the above clause as under
                        1.  Nature  of  the  related  party  relationship  and  the  underlying  transaction-MG  Associates  is  a
                        partnership firm in which Director of MM Ltd is also a managing partner, with a profit sharing
                        ratio of 30 %. Payment of ` 4 Lakhs to MG Associates is a related party transaction.
                        2.  Amount  involved  is  Consideration  for  the  Marketing  services  rendered  by  MG  Associates  (4
                        Lakhs p.m.) is higher than the arm’s length pricing by  1.50 Lakh p.m. ( 18 Lakhs p.a.)

        QNO      Cl 15--Non-Cash Transaction (Son of Director)   Old Course – (M17R, M17M, N17M, M18M, N19R)
        411.000  TITANIUM CNO—CARO.320
                 RPS Ltd. has entered into non-cash transactions with Mr. Rahul, son of director, which is an arrangement

                 by which RPS Ltd. is in process to acquire assets for consideration other than cash
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ▪  Clause (xv) of Para 3 of CARO, 2020
                    ▪  Section 192 of the Companies Act, 2013
                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ➢  Non-cash Transactions with Relative of Director:
                        As per Clause (xv) of paragraph 3 of CARO, 2020, the auditor is required to report
                            •  “whether  the  company  has  entered  into  any  non-cash  transactions  with  directors  or
                               persons connected with him and
                            •   if so, whether the provisions of section 192 of Companies Act, 2013 have been complied

                    ➢  Section 192 of the Companies Act, 2013
                        Section 192 of the said Act deals with restriction on non-cash transactions involving directors or
                        persons connected with them. The section prohibits the company from entering into such types of
                        arrangements unless it is an arrangement by which the company acquires or is to acquire assets
                        for consideration other than cash, from such director or person so connected.

                 Part III – Case Discussion
                    ➢  In the instant case, RPS Ltd. has entered into non-cash transactions with Mr. Rahul, son of director
                        which is an arrangement by which RPS Ltd. is in process to acquire assets for consideration other
                        than cash and falls within the meaning of section 192 of Companies Act, 2013.
                 Part IV – Conclusion
                    ➢  The reporting has to be two-fold.
                            •  first part
                               It requires the auditor to report on whether the company has entered into any non-cash
                               transactions with the directors or any persons connected with such director/s.

                            •  Second part
                               It requires the auditor to report whether the provisions of section 192 of the Act have
                               been complied with.
                               Therefore, the second part of the clause becomes reportable only if the answer to the first
                               part is in affirmative.
                               In the given situation, RPS Ltd. has entered into non-cash transactions with Mr. Rahul, son                                             PARAM                                                                      7.57 | P a g e
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