Page 222 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 222

Part 1- SA 800

          QNO      Meaning of Special purpose framework                                   New Course – (SM23)
          800.100  TITANIUM CNO-- SA800.040
                   SA 800 deals with special considerations applicable in respect of audit of financial statements prepared in
                   accordance with special purpose framework. Explain, by giving examples, meaning of special purpose
          Answer  What is Special Purpose framework?
                   Definition: SA 800 defines special purpose framework as a financial reporting framework designed to meet
                   the financial information needs of specific users.
                   Fair Presentation or Compliance Framework: The financial reporting framework may be a fair presentation
                   framework or a compliance framework.
                   Determination of Form and Content: The requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework
                   determine  the  form  and  content  of  the  financial  statements.  These  requirements  also  dictate  what
                   constitutes a complete set of financial statements.
                   Examples of Special purpose frameworks are: -
                   (Shortcut: RCC)
                   Financial  Reporting  Provisions  by  Regulator:  Another  example  is  the  financial  reporting  provisions
                   established by a regulator to meet the requirements of that regulator.
                   Financial Reporting Provisions of a Contract: The financial reporting provisions of a contract, such as a bond
                   indenture, a loan agreement, or a project grant, also fall under this category.
                   Cash  basis  accounting  for  Creditors:  Examples  include  the  cash  receipts  and  disbursements  basis  of
                   accounting for cash flow information that an entity may be requested to prepare for creditors.

          QNO      Paragraph to Avoid Misuse                                              New Course – (SM23)
          800.200  TITANIUM CNO-- SA800.100
                   CA Lakshmi has prepared a draft audit report for financial statements of X Ltd. prepared in accordance
                   with financial reporting provisions of a contract with Y Ltd. She has drafted an unmodified opinion to be
                   given in audit report. Besides,  she has also drawn attention in draft audit report to Note “A “to the
                   financial statements which describes the basis of accounting (under the heading “Basis of accounting”).
                   How she should ensure that report would not be misused? Draft a suitable para to be included in the
                   report for this purpose.
          Answer  1. SA 800: Reference to SA 800, its full name & its applicable in the given scenario.
                   2. Concept: Alerting Users of Audit Report & Restriction on Distribution & Use of Audit Report

                      Usage other than intended: The special purpose financial statements may be used for purposes other
                      than those for which they were intended. For example, a regulator may require certain entities to place
                      the special purpose financial statements on public record.
                      Alerting  Users:  To avoid  misunderstandings,  the  auditor  alerts  users  of  the  auditor’s report  that  the
                      financial statements are prepared in accordance with a special purpose framework. Therefore, the alerted
                      financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose

                      Restriction on Distribution or Use
                      Restriction on Distribution: In addition to the alert required as discussed above, the auditor may consider
                      it appropriate to indicate that the auditor’s report is intended solely for the specific users.
                      Depending on the law or regulation applicable, this may be achieved by restricting the distribution or use
                      of the auditor’s report.
                      Expansion  of  Alert  Paragraph:  In  these  circumstances,  the  paragraph  alerting  the  readers  may  be
                      expanded to include these other matters, and the heading modified accordingly.                                                      PARAM                               8.1 | P a g e
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