Page 243 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 243

- Drones
                   5. Assessing the complexity of the IT environment: Understand that IT applications vary in complexity based
                   on factors like automation, reliance on system reports, customization, business model, yearly changes, and
                   emerging technology adoption. Assess the overall complexity of the IT setting.

          QNO      Types of IT Dependencies.                                              New Course – (SM23)
          DAA.300 TITANIUM CNO -- DAA.120

                   Auditor should scope in ITGCs to tests when there are IT dependencies identified in the system. Briefly
                   describe the types of IT dependencies.
                   There are five types of IT dependencies as described below:

                   (Shortcut: dependencies on CS-AIR)
                   Calculations: IT systems handle calculations, replacing manual processes. The system might apply a straight-
                   line depreciation formula or calculate an invoice amount based on price and quantity.
                   Security: The IT environment ensures security and segregation of duties to prevent and detect errors, fraud,
                   or undetected process mistakes.
                   Automated Controls: These controls in the IT environment enforce business rules. Examples include purchase
                   order workflow approvals, specific format checks, non-duplication of customer numbers, and transaction
                   amount limits.
                   Interfaces: These transfer data between IT systems. An example is moving data from a payroll subledger to
                   the general ledger.
                   Reports: These are outputs from IT systems used for manual controls, business performance reviews, or by
                   auditors for testing. Examples are vendor master and customer ageing reports.

          QNO      Cyber Risk                                                             New Course – (SM23)
          DAA.400 TITANIUM CNO -- DAA.140
                   What does cyber risk explain it with some examples.

          Answer  What is Cyber Risk:
                   Definition: A cyber-attack is an unauthorized attempt to access a computing system or network intending to
                   cause damage, steal, expose, alter, disable, or destroy data.
                   Common Cyber-attacks: The most common types of cyber-attacks include unauthorized access, data theft,
                   exposure, alteration, disabling, or destruction.

                   Malware is software designed to harm computers or networks, and includes types like ransomware,
                   trojans, and viruses.
                   Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks:
                   A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack floods a network with false requests, disrupting access to services like email
                   and websites. While usually not causing data loss, DoS attacks cost time, money, and resources to resolve.
                   Phishing is a cyberattack using email, SMS, phone, or social media to trick victims into sharing sensitive
                   information or downloading malicious files, leading to potential viruses on their devices.
                   Spoofing involves cybercriminals disguising as trusted sources to access systems, aiming to steal information,
                   extort money, or install malware.
                   Identity-Based Attacks:
                   When a user's credentials are compromised, adversaries can impersonate them. For instance, using the same
                   ID and password on multiple accounts can lead to access to unrelated accounts when one is breached.
                   Insider Threats:
                   Current or former employees can pose risks to an organization due to their access to the company network,
                   sensitive data, IP, and knowledge of business operations, making them capable of executing attacks.
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