Page 247 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 247

QNO      Technological risks                                                    New Course – (SM23)
          DAA.920 TITANIUM CNO -- DAA.280
                   Emerging technologies can bring great benefits, but they also come with a varied set of substantial risks.
                   Give some examples of technology risks of digital system and the control considerations to consider while
                   assessing technology risk
          Answer  Some examples of technology risks where auditors should test the appropriate controls for relying on the
                   digital systems (Similar to concept of IT Risk)

                   1. Access Control and Authorization:
                      -   The possibility of information technology personnel gaining access privileges beyond those necessary
                          to perform their assigned duties, leading to insufficient segregation of duties.
                      -   Unauthorized access to data that might result in destruction of data or improper changes to data.
                      -   Unauthorized changes to systems or programs.

                   2. Data Accuracy and Integrity:
                      -   Reliance on systems or programs that are inaccurately processing data, processing inaccurate data,
                          or both.
                      -   Unauthorized access to data that might result in destruction of data or improper changes to data,
                          including  the  recording  of  unauthorized  or  non-existent  transactions  or  inaccurate  recording  of
                          transactions (specific risks might arise when multiple users access a common database).
                      -   Unauthorized or erroneous changes to data in master files.
                      -   Inappropriate manual intervention.

                   3. Data Availability:
                      -   Potential loss of data or inability to access data as required.

                   4. System Maintenance and Updates:
                      -   Failure to make necessary or appropriate changes to systems or programs.
                      -   Unauthorized or erroneous changes to systems or programs.
                      -   Inappropriate manual intervention.

                   5. Service Providers and External Threats:
                      -   Risks introduced when using third-party service providers.
                      -   Cybersecurity risks.

          QNO      Emerging technologies                                                  New Course – (SM23)
          DAA.940 TITANIUM CNO -- DAA.320

                   Give example of emerging technologies available for Next Generation Audit along with the risks associated
                   with it.
          Answer  Drone Technology: Using drone technology in the remote locations for stock counts. Drones have  great
                   payload capacity for carrying sensors and cameras, thus they can photograph and physically examine the
                   count of large quantities of fixed assets and inventory.

                   Augmented  reality:  The  technology  allows  users  to  view  the  real-world  environment  with  augmented
                   (added) elements, generated by digital devices.

                   Virtual reality: VR goes a step forward and replaces the real world entirely with a simulated environment,
                   created through digitally generated images, sounds, and even touch and smell. Using special equipment,
                   such as a custom headset, the user can explore a simulated world or simulate experiences such as flying or

                   Metaverse: The metaverse is the emerging 3-D digital space that uses virtual reality, augmented reality, and
                   other  advanced  internet technology  to  allow  people  to  have  lifelike  personal  and  business  experiences
                   online. It represents a convergence  of  digital technology  to combine  and extend the  reach and use of
                   Cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)                                                      PARAM                               12.6 | P a g e
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