Page 245 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 245

4. Respond to the Risk:
                   If an attack happens, have a plan to contain it, minimize damage, and restore normal operations. This is like
                   having a rapid response team to apprehend the burglar and secure the treasure chest.

                   5. Recover from Risk:
                   After an attack, analyze what went wrong and improve your defenses to prevent future incidents. Think of it
                   as patching up any weak spots in your security system and training your guards to be more vigilant.

          QNO      Advantages and disadvantages of remote audit                           New Course – (SM23)
          DAA.700 TITANIUM CNO -- DAA.220
                   What are the advantages and disadvantages of remote audit?

          Answer  Advantages and Disadvantages of remote audit:

                   Shortcut: No Selection FEE)
                   No disruption: The time required to gather evidence can be spread over several weeks, reducing disruption
                   to daily activities.
                   Selection: Remote audits widen the selection of auditors from a global network of experts.
                   First-hand evidence: Auditors can obtain first-hand evidence directly from the IT system if direct access is
                   Flexibility (Enjoy Comfort): The audit team enjoys comfort and flexibility as they can work from a home
                   Efficiency: Remote audits are cost and time-effective due to the elimination of travel time and expenses.


                   (Shortcut: CVICS)
                   Connectivity: Network issues can interrupt interviews and meetings during a remote audit.
                   Visualization: There is limited or no ability to visualize the facility culture of the organization or the body
                   language of the auditees. Time zone differences can also affect the efficiency of remote audit sessions.
                   Integrity: The opportunity for presenting doctored documents or omitting relevant information is increased,
                   potentially  requiring additional planning and different audit procedures. This also raises concerns about
                   security and confidentiality violations.
                   Cultural and Legal Challenges: Auditors may face cultural challenges and a lack of knowledge about local laws
                   and regulations could impact the audit. Certain audit procedures, like physical verification of assets and stock
                   taking, cannot be performed remotely.
                   Security: Remote access to sensitive IT systems may not be allowed, necessitating an assessment of security
                   aspects related to remote access and privacy.

          QNO      Data Analytics                                                         New Course – (SM23)
          DAA.800 TITANIUM CNO -- DAA.240

                   In an automated environment, the data stored and processed in systems can be used to get various insights
                   into the way  business  operates. This  data  can  be  useful  for  preparation  of  management  information
                   system (MIS) reports and electronic dashboards that give a high level snapshot of business performance.
                   In view of above you are required to briefly discuss the meaning of data analytics and example of such
                   data analytics techniques.
                   Data Analytic Techniques.
                   1A. Data Analytics: Transforming raw system data into meaningful information via processes, tools, and
                   1B. Benefits:
                   - Discovers and analyses data patterns.
                   - Identifies data anomalies.
                   - Extracts useful information.                                                      PARAM                               12.4 | P a g e
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