Page 242 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 242

Part 1- Digital Auditing & Assurance

          QNO      Advantages  of  Auditing  Digitally                                    New Course – (SM23)
          DAA.100 TITANIUM CNO -- DAA.020
                   Briefly describe the advantages and challenges of Auditing digitally

          Answer  Advantages of Digital Audit (Actually it is advantages of auditing digitally)
                   (Shortcut -- Quality CARE)
                   Better Audit Quality: Technology's ability to evaluate large volumes of data quickly enhances audit quality by
                   identifying areas requiring more testing, reducing the risk of overlooked misstatements or issues.
                   Lower Costs Automation of previously manual processes reduces the time and cost of auditing.
                   Better Analytics: Advanced analytics capabilities enable management and auditors to identify trends and
                   patterns, such as potential fraud, which are difficult to detect manually.
                   Improved Risk Assessment: Automation aids in the audit process and streamlines testing, improving risk
                   assessment.  This  allows  management  and  auditors  to  focus  on  areas  with  a  higher  risk  of  material
                   misstatement and make informed decisions.
                   Enhanced Effectiveness & Efficiency: Digital audit tools and automation techniques standardize processes
                   and automate routine tasks, such as reconciliation, saving time and costs.

                   Challenges -
                   Reluctance to change, challenges with data security and governance, choosing the right tool and automating
                   the right process, ensuring standardisation and correct  configurations to avoid error and bias, evaluating
                   business benefits the organization wants to achieve with automation and the roadmap for digital strategy.

          QNO      Stages In Understanding the IT environment.                            New Course – (SM23)
          DAA.200 TITANIUM CNO -- DAA.080

                   What are the stages involved in understanding the IT environment and what key considerations auditor
                   should consider?
          Answer  The stages involved in understanding of IT environment are: Understand – Identify – Assess.

                   Key Areas for an Auditor to Understand IT Environment
                   (Shortcut: FAST & Complex)
                   1.  Understand  the  Flow  of  transaction:  Understand  the  specific  IT  applications  and  aspects  related  to
                   transaction flows and information processing. Recognize how program changes or database alterations affect
                   these flows.
                   2.Identification  of  Manual  and  Automated  Controls:  Recognize  the  blend  of  manual  and  automated
                   components in an entity's internal control. These characteristics impact the auditor's risk assessment of
                   material misstatements.
                   3. Identification of Significant Systems: Recognize IT applications and infrastructure in relation to the flow of
                   significant transaction information within the entity's system.
                   4. Identification of the Technologies used: Comprehend emerging technologies and their role in financial
                   reporting. Evaluate risks from their use and consider involving experts. Emerging technologies include:
                   - Blockchain (e.g., token issuers, exchanges)
                   - Robotics
                   - Artificial Intelligence
                   - Internet of Things
                   - Biometrics                                                      PARAM                               12.1 | P a g e
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