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P. 250

QNO      Audit of a Blockchain-Based Pilot Program                              New Course – (SM23)
          DAA.985 TITANIUM CNO --Unique
                   XY  Bank,  headquartered  in  New  York,  offers  a  broad  range  of  financial  services  including  asset
                   management, commercial banking, investment banking, and treasury and securities services.

                   The Five Indian banks in partnership with XY bank, provide a comprehensive range of banking services and
                   products  encompassing  retail  banking,  corporate  banking,  international  banking,  and  other  financial

                   services. All these banks have been significant contributors to the digitalization of banking services in India.

                   Under the pilot programme, the Indian banks will open on-chain Nostro accounts with XY Bank branch in
                   Gift City. The blockchain-based system is expected to facilitate instant, 24×7 settlement  between the
                   accounts held at the US bank. Essentially, it will create a private intra-correspondent banking network,
                   redefining the traditional banking hours and enabling seamless money transfer.
          Answer  The steps for performing an audit of a blockchain-based pilot program.

                   ➢  Preliminary Understanding and Background Checks:
                      -   Obtain  a  comprehensive  understanding  of  the  blockchain-based  pilot  program,  including  its
                          objectives, scope, and key processes involved.
                      -   Review the partnership agreements, contracts, and legal documentation governing the relationship
                          between the Indian banks and XY Bank.
                      -   Identify  the  specific  blockchain  technology  used,  its  functionalities,  and  the  underlying  smart
                   ➢  Assessment of Internal Controls and Security Measures:
                      -   Assess Internal Controls:
                      -   Review policies and procedures related to the on-chain Nostro accounts, settlement processes, and
                          money transfer mechanisms.
                      -   Assess  the  governance  framework,  risk  management  practices,  and  compliance  procedures
                          established by the Indian banks and XY Bank.
                   ➢  Review Security Measures:
                      -   Assess  encryption  methods,  cryptographic  key  management,  and  secure  transmission  protocols
                          used for data protection.
                      -   Review measures taken to prevent unauthorized access, cyber threats, and potential vulnerabilities
                          in the blockchain network.
                   ➢  Regulatory and Compliance Evaluation:
                      -   Evaluate Compliance and Regulatory Requirements:
                      -    Review documentation and procedures related to customer due diligence, transaction monitoring,
                          and reporting obligations.
                      -    Ensure that the pilot program adheres to industry-specific standards and best practices.
                   ➢  Transaction Review and Reconciliation:
                      -   Test Transaction Validity and Accuracy:
                      -   Validate  that  transactions  are  recorded  and  settled  accurately  on  the  blockchain,  ensuring
                          adherence to relevant regulations and contractual obligations.
                      -   Perform reconciliations between on-chain Nostro accounts and the corresponding accounts held at
                          XY Bank to confirm the accuracy of balances and transactions.
                   ➢  Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Assessment:
                      -   Assess Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: Evaluate the adequacy of backup and recovery
                          procedures, redundancy measures, and failover mechanisms to ensure uninterrupted operations.
                      -   Test the effectiveness of these plans by conducting simulations or examining historical incidents and
                          response procedures.
                   ➢  Reporting and Recommendations:                                                      PARAM                               12.9 | P a g e
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