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accounted for in accordance with AS 13 “Accounting for Investments”.

                                 Certain things that auditor should verify
                                 In  the  case  of  an  entity  which  is  excluded  from  consolidation  on  the  ground  that  the
                                 relationship of parent with the other entity as subsidiary is temporary, the auditor should
                                 verify that
                                     •  the intention of the parent, to dispose the subsidiary, in the near future, existed
                                         at the time of acquisition of the subsidiary.
                                     •  The  auditor  should  also  verify  that  the  reasons  for  exclusion  are  given  in  the
                                         consolidated financial statements.

                                 As per Ind AS 110 “Consolidated Financial Statements”, states
                                 There is no such exemption for ‘temporary control’, or “for operation under severe long-
                                 term  funds  transfer  restrictions”  and  consolidation  is  mandatory  for  Ind  AS  compliant
                                 financial statement in this case.
                   Part III – Case Discussion
                       ➢  In  the  given  case,  Parent  Ltd.  has  acquired  51%  shares  of  Child  Ltd.  during  the  year  ending
                          31.03.2016  and  sold  20%  shares  during  the  year  2016-17.  Parent  Ltd.  did  not  consolidate  the
                          financial statements of Child Ltd. for the year ending 31.03.2016 and 31.03.2017.
                   Part IV – Conclusion
                       ➢  The intention of Parent Ltd. is quite clear that the control in Child Ltd. is temporary as the former
                          company disposed off the acquired shares in the next year of its purchase.

                                 AS 21 “Consolidated Financial Statements”
                                     •  Therefore, Parent Ltd. Is not required to prepare consolidated financial statement
                                         as per AS 21
                                     •  However, for the  compliance of provisions related to consolidation of financial
                                         statements given under section 129(3) of the Companies Act, 2013, Parent Ltd. is
                                         required  to  made  disclosures  in  the  financial  statements  as  per  the  provisions
                                         provided in Schedule III to the Companies Act’ 2013.

                                 Ind AS 110 “Consolidated Financial Statements”
                                     •   However, if the Parent Ltd. is required to prepare its financial statements under
                                         Ind AS, it shall have to prepare Consolidated Financial Statements in accordance
                                         with Ind AS 110 as exemption for ‘temporary control’, or “for operation under
                                         severe long -term funds transfer restrictions” is not available under Ind AS 110.
                                     •   Paragraph 20 of Ind AS 110 states that “Consolidation of an investee shall begin
                                         from the date the investor obtains control of the investee and cease when the
                                         investor loses control of the investee”.
                   Author’s Note

                       •  Refer author’s note of QNO 436.300.

          QNO      Temporary Holding (AS)                      Old Course – (M6E, M8E, M15E, M15R, M16M, SM17,
          436.100  TITANIUM CNO— GA.180                                        PM17, N18R, N18M, M18M, SM21)
                   R Ltd owns 51% voting power in S Ltd It however, holds and discloses all the shares as Stock-in-trade in
                   its accounts The shares are held exclusively with a view to their subsequent disposal in the near future R
                   Ltd represents that while preparing Consolidated Financial Statements, S Ltd can be excluded from the
                   consolidation As a Statutory Auditor, how would you deal?
                    Moon Ltd. acquired 51% shares of Star Ltd. during the year ending 31-3-2017. During the financial year
                   2017-18 the 20% shares of Star Ltd. were sold by Moon Ltd. Moon Ltd. while preparing the financial

                   statements for the year ending 31-3-2017 and 31-3-2018 did not consider the financial statements of Star
                   Ltd. for consolidation. As a statutory auditor how would you deal with it?
                   Ajanta  Ltd.  owns  51%  voting  power  in  Alora  Ltd.  It  discloses  all  the  shares  as  "Stock-in-trade"  in  its
                   accounts with a view to their subsequent disposal in the near future. Ajanta Ltd. represents that while
                   preparing Consolidated Financial Statements, Alora Ltd. can be excluded from the consolidation. As a
                   Statutory Auditor, how would you deal?
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