Page 258 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 258

IND-AS 110 gives exemptions in folowing cases

                          (i)  Investment entities
                          (ii)  Intermediary Subsidiaries(provided all conditions are satisfied)
                          (iii) Employee benefit plans covered under IND-AS 19

                   If the question is silent about whether the answer should be as per AS or IND AS ,it is advisable that answer
                   should be provided per both .
                   3. The answer provided above is with reference to Investment company, for which exempotion  given
                   under Ind AS.

                   Exemption from Consolidation for Intermediate Subsidiary &               Old Course – (N20E)
          QNO      Give 2 Reasons of Exclusion (Exemption)
                   TITANIUM CNO— GA.180
                   JRS Limited holds the majority ownership of R Ltd. & K Ltd. S Ltd. is an intermediate subsidiary of JRS
                   Limited in Surat. The JRS Limited presents the consolidated financial statements for audit purposes to
                   MMT & Co. As a statutory auditor MMT & Co. obtain a listing of all the components and verify that all
                   the components  included  in  financial  statements  unless  any  component meet  criterion  for  exclusion.
                   Explain  any  two  reasons which  are  considered  by  MMT  & Co.  for  exclusion  of components  from the
                   consolidated financial statements and reporting of reasons of exclusion thereof.

          Answer  Where  a  component  is  excluded  from  the  consolidated  financial  statements,  the  auditor  should
                   examine the reasons for exclusion and whether such exclusion is in conformity with the applicable
                   financial reporting framework.

                   (i) Under Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006, there could be two reasons for exclusion of
                   subsidiary,  associate  or  jointly  controlled  entity-  one,  that  the  relationship  of  parent  with  the
                   subsidiary,  associate  or  jointly  controlled  entity  is  intended  to  be  temporary  or  the  subsidiary,
                   associate or joint venture operates under severe long-term restrictions which significantly impair its
                   ability to transfer funds to the parent.

                   (ii)  Similarly,  under  the  Companies  Act,  2013,  intermediate  subsidiary  in  India  is  not  required  to
                   present  consolidated  financial  statements.  Ind  AS  110  also  prescribes  certain  criteria  where
                   consolidated financial statements are not required. In such cases, the auditor should satisfy himself
                   that the exclusion made by the management falls within these categories, example in the case of an
                   entity which is excluded from consolidation on the ground that the relationship of parent with the
                   other entity as subsidiary, associate or joint venture is temporary, the auditor should verify that the
                   intention of the parent, to dispose off the subsidiary, investment in associate or interest in jointly
                   controlled  entity,  in  the  near  future,  existed  at  the  time  of  acquisition  of  the  subsidiary,  making
                   investment in associate or jointly controlled entity.

                   (iii)  The  auditor  should  also  verify  that  the  reasons  for  exclusion  are  given  in  the  consolidated
                   financial statements. If an entity is excluded from the  consolidated financial statements for reasons
                   other  than  those  allowed  by  the  applicable  financial  reporting  framework,  the  auditor  should
                   consider its effect on the auditor’s report to be issued.

          QNO      Control Over Composition of Board         Old Course – (M15E, SM17, PM17, N17R, SM21, M21M)
          437.000   TITANIUM CNO— GA.160                                                   New Course – (SM23)
                   ALFA Ltd. holds the ownership of 10% of voting power and control over the composition of Board of
                   Directors  of  GAMA  Ltd.  While  planning  the  statutory  audit  of  ALFA  Ltd.,  what  factors  would  be
                   considered by you for audit of financial statements?
          Answer       ➢  Facts of the Case
                          In this case, A Ltd. holds only 10 percent of the voting power and control over the composition of

                          the Board of Directors of B Ltd. In such a case, A Ltd. would be considered as a parent of B Ltd.
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