Page 259 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 259

and, therefore, it would consolidate B Ltd. in the consolidated financial statements as subsidiary

                       ➢  Audit Procedure
                                 (Obtain  Understanding)-  The  auditor  should  make  plans,  among  other  things,  for  the
                                 understanding  of  accounting  policies  of  the  parent,  subsidiaries,  associates  and  joint
                                 ventures and determining and programming the nature, timing, and extent of the audit
                                 procedures to be performed etc.

                                 (Control  overboard)-  The  auditor  should  verify  whether  the  parent  controls  the
                                 composition  of  the  Board  of  Directors  or  corresponding  governing  body  of  any  entity.
                                 There would be various means by which such kind of control can be obtained.

                                 In  this  regard,  the  auditor  may  verify  the  Board’s  minutes,  shareholder  agreements
                                 entered into by the parent, agreements with the entities to which the parent might have
                                 provided any technology or know how, enforcement of statute, as the case may be, etc.

                                 (Adjustments)-The auditor should verify that the adjustments warranted by the relevant
                                 accounting  standards  have  been  made  wherever  required  and  have  been  properly
                                 authorized by the management of the parent. The preparation of consolidated financial
                                 statements  gives  rise  to  permanent  consolidation  adjustments  and  current  period
                                 consolidation adjustments.

                                 AS  18-Further, the  duties of  an auditor with regard to reporting of transactions with
                                 related  parties  as  required  by  Accounting  Standard  18  are  given  in  SA  550  on  Related

                                 SA  550-As  per  SA  550  on,  “Related  Parties”,  the  auditor  should  review  information
                                 provided  by  the  management  of  the  entity  identifying  the  names  of  all  known  related
                                 parties.  A  person  or  other  entity  that  has  control  or  significant  influence,  directly  or
                                 indirectly through one or more intermediaries, over the reporting entity are considered as
                                 Related Party.

                                 Framing  Opinion-  In  forming  an  opinion  on  the  financial  statements  the  auditor  shall
                                 evaluate  whether the  identified related  party  relationships  and transactions  have been
                                 appropriately  accounted  for  and  disclosed  in  accordance  with  the  applicable  financial
                                 reporting  framework  and  whether  the  effects  of  the  related  party  relationships  and
                                 transactions prevent the financial statements from achieving true and fair presentation
                                 (for fair presentation frameworks); or cause the financial statements to be misleading (for
                                 compliance frameworks).

                    Author’s Note
                        •  Is 10% shareholding minimum for control over the composition of Board?
                            o  No, there is no 10% rule or criteria. Point is we can control BOD if we are able to appoint
                               or nominate majority of directors either because of law or contracts, even if shareholding
                               is below 50% and thereby control whole company. This question specifies 10% holding but
                               it is silent on how ALFA ltd controls BOD of GAMMA.

          QNO      Permanent Consolidation Adjustment   Old Course – (M11R, M13E, M14R, N15E, M16R, N16M, SM17,
          438.000  TITANIUM CNO—GA.220                                                            PM17, SM21)
                   Write a short note on - Permanent Consolidated Adjustments
          Answer       ➢  Definition
                          Permanent  consolidation  adjustments  are  those  adjustments  that  are  made  only  on  the  first

                          occasion or subsequent occasions in which there is a change in the shareholding of a particular
                          entity which is consolidated. Permanent consolidation adjustments are:
                                 Determination of goodwill or capital reserve as per applicable accounting standards.
                                 Determination of amount of equity attributable to minority/ no controlling interests

                       ➢  Pre-acquisition Reserves
                          The auditor should verify that the above calculations have been made appropriately. The auditor

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