Page 348 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 348

Forensic audit is unlike other audits Explain
          Answer  Difference between a forensic audit and financial audit:
                  Sr.    Particulars       Financial Audit                   Forensic Audit

                  1      Objectives        Express an opinion as to          Whether fraud has taken
                                           ‘True & Fair’ presentation        place in books
                  2      Techniques        Substantive & Compliance.         Investigative, substantive
                                           Sample based                      or in-depth checking

                  3      Period            Normally for a particular         No such limitations
                                           accounting period.
                  4      Verification of   Relies on the management          Independent/verification of
                         stock, Estimation   certificate/Management          suspected/selected items
                         realisable value   Representation                   where misappropriation in
                         of assets,                                          suspected
                         liability etc.
                  5      Off balance sheet   Used to vouch the               Regulatory & propriety of
                         items (like       arithmetic accuracy &             these
                         contracts etc.)   compliance with                   transactions/contracts are
                                           procedures                        examined.
                  6      Adverse findings   Negative opinion or              Legal determination of
                         if any            qualified opinion expressed       fraud impact and
                                           with/without quantification       identification of
                                                                             perpetrators depending on

          QNO     “Forensic” meaning and its need                                          Old Course-- (SM21)
          629.500  TITANIUM CNO – FA.040
                  What do you understand by the word “Forensic” and why the need for forensic audit arises?

                   ➢  “Forensic” means “suitable for use in the court of law”.
                   ➢  Bologna  said  that  it  is  the  application  of  financial  skills  and  investigative  mentality  to  unresolved
                      issues, conducted within the context of the rules of evidence.
                   ➢  As  an  emerging  discipline,  it  encompasses  financial  expertise,  fraud  knowledge  and  a  sound
                      knowledge and understanding of business reality and the working of legal system.

                   ➢  Need for forensic audit (A Forensic Auditor is often involved in

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