Page 343 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 343

She  also  makes  discreet  inquiries  from  few  clients  of  the  branch  engaged  in  similar  line  of  activity
                  regarding credit worthiness of company, its promoters, and directors.

                  Based on above:

                     i.   Identify activity being performed by CA Rajul and discuss its nature.
                    ii.   Would your answer be different if this activity was to be performed by a person not qualified as
                         a Chartered Accountant? Can a non-CA perform such activity? State reason.
                    iii.   Name any three other areas where identified activity can be undertaken.
          Answer     i.   The activity described in the situation is Due diligence. Due diligence is a measure of prudence
                         activity, or assiduity, as is properly to be expected from, and ordinarily exercised by, a reasonable

                         and prudent person under the particular circumstance, not measured by any absolute standard
                         but depending upon the relative facts of the case. It involves a careful study of financial and non-
                         financial possibilities. It implies a general duty to take care in any transaction.

                         Due diligence is a process of investigation, performed by investors, into the details of a potential
                         investment such as an examination of operations and management and the verification of material
                         facts. It entails conducting inquiries for the purpose of timely, sufficient and accurate disclosure of
                         all  material  statements/information  or  documents,  which  may  influence  the  outcome  of  the
                         transaction.  Due  diligence  involves  a  careful  study  of  the  financial  as  well  as  non-financial
                         possibilities for successful implementation of restructuring plans.

                         Due diligence involves an analysis carried out before acquiring a controlling interest in a company
                         to determine that the conditions of the business conform with what has been presented about the
                         target business. Also, due diligence can apply to recommendation for an investment or advancing
                         a loan/credit.

                    ii.   There would be no difference in answer if above activity was to be performed by a person who is
                         not  a  Chartered  Accountant.  The  activity  would  remain  due  diligence.  Due  diligence  can  be
                         performed  by  any  person.  It  is  not  necessary  that  due  diligence  can  only  be  carried  out  by  a
                         Chartered Accountant. As due diligence involves exercise of prudence and general duty to take
                         care in any transaction, it can be undertaken by any person.

                    iii.   The areas where due diligence may be undertaken are: -
                             1)  Corporate restructuring.
                             2)  Venture capital financing.
                             3)  Public offerings.

          QNO     Investigation (Propriety Business) –                  Old Course- (M04E, PM17, SM17, SM21)
          643.050  TITANIUM CNO— INTG.180                                                 New Course-- (SM23)
                  Mr. Clean who proposes to buy the proprietary business of Mr. Perfect, engages you as investigating

                  accountant. Specify the areas which you will cover in your investigation
          Answer  ➢  Following are the areas which shall be covered under investigation while proposing to buy a
                      proprietary business-
                       •  Studying the overall picture:
                          o  The first and foremost important aspect in any business investigation is to have an overall
                             picture of the position of the business which is being investigated before the details are gone
                          o  Further, it is important to know whether the business is engaged in the manufacture of one or
                             two important lines of products, is principally processing materials or is concerned only with
                             the sale of a single product.
                          o  Also,  whether  it  is  a  business  which  depends  for  its  success  on  imported raw  materials  or
                             supply of parts and components from ancillary businesses or uses indigenous materials and
                             parts which are manufactured locally.
                          o  If the business is labour - intensive, its future profitability would be dependent on availability
                             of skilled labour and relations of the management with the trade unions. Labour relations thus
                             can affect the future profitability of the business.
                          o  The method of distribution of products, either through wholesalers or retailers also must be
                          o  For  studying  the  economic  and  financial  position  of  the  business,  the  following  should  be

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