Page 346 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 346


                                                                                          Old Course – (N23M)
          QNO    Investigate economic and financial position
          644.050 TITANIUM CNO -- Unique

                 Namo  Limited  wants  to  acquire  a  unit  of  Sidha  Limited.  Namo  Limited  is  uncertain  about  the  future
                 viability of the unit under consideration. You are appointed to investigate economic and financial position
                 of  the  unit.  What  are  the  factors  that  you  shall  consider  while  studying  the  economic  and  financial
                 position of the business?
          Answer  For studying the economic and financial position of the business, the following should be considered:
                     (i)  The adequacy or otherwise of fixed and working capital. Are these sufficient for the growth of the
                     (ii)  What  will  be  the  trend  of  the  sales  and  profits  in  the  future?  Establishing  the  trend  of  sales,
                         product-wise and area-wise will ordinarily help in drawing a conclusion on whether the trend will
                         be maintained in the future.
                     (iii)  Whether the profit which the business could be expected to maintain in the future would yield an
                         adequate return on the capital employed?
                     (iv)  Whether the business is operating at its 100 percent capacity or improvements can be made to
                         reach at full productivity?

          QNO     Time Cards                                                              New Course – (SM23)
          644.070 TITANIUM CNO -- Unique

                  A  company  has  installed  an  Effluent  treatment  plant  (ETP)  in  compliance  with  pollution  control
                  regulations of the state government. The authority structure in the company is fairly decentralized and
                  top management of the company has given considerable leeway to different departments for meeting
                  their manpower requirements in accordance with emerging and changing needs from time to time. Of
                  late, the top management has grown suspicious over manpower expenditure in section maintaining and
                  beautifying  area  around  ETP.  There  is  a  system  in  the  company  where  timecards  are  punched  by  all
                  employees to mark attendance.

                  Suggest any one procedure you would perform as an investigator to bring out the facts.
          Answer  1A. Attendance Record Analysis: The attendance record of employees pertaining to that section can be
                  analysed with regards to in and out time.
                  1B. Surprise Site Visits: Further, surprise visit to the site can be conducted to see the actual number of
                  workers at a point of time.
                  2A. Revealing Ghost Workers: It may reveal ghost workers. Discrepancies in attendance records vis-à-vis
                  actual number of workers present could reveal dummy workers.
                  2B. Productivity Indication: Such a visit would also give indication of actual work done in the area and give
                  an inkling of productivity of employees.

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