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P. 353


          QNO      Global trends in sustainable reporting                                New Course – (SM23)
          SDG.100 TITANIUM CNO -- SDG.060

                   What are the global trends in sustainable reporting?

          Answer  Mandatory  Reporting  Entities:  Mandatory  reporting  requirements  are  associated  with  the  public
                   sector,  government-run  companies,  large  corporations,  multi-national  conglomerates,  and  listed
                   Sector-Specific  Provisions:  Sector-specific  and  thematic  reporting  provisions  are  becoming  more
                   GRI Usage & Popularity: The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is used by 93% of the world’s largest 250
                   corporations  for  sustainability  reporting.  GRI  is  utilized  in  over  100  countries  for  sustainability
                   reporting.  The  GRI  is  based  in  Amsterdam  with  operational  hubs  in  Brazil,  China,  Colombia,  India,
                   South Africa, and the US. GRI Standards are developed with multi-stakeholder contributions and are
                   rooted in the public interest.
                   Different Reporting Frameworks
                   Global  Reporting  Initiative  (GRI):  GRI  helps  organizations  report  on  economic,  environmental,  and
                   social impacts, addressing all stakeholders.
                   Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP): CDP captures environmental performance data related to emissions,
                   water, forests, and supply chain, addressing investors, buyers, and stakeholders.
                   International Integrated Reporting Framework (IIRC): IIRC has principles and elements for companies
                   to  produce  integrated  reports,  covering  overview,  governance,  business  model,  risks,  strategy,  and

          QNO      6 C’s of Integrated reporting                                         New Course – (SM23)
          SDG.200 TITANIUM CNO -- SDG.080

                   What are the 6 C’s of Integrated reporting?

          Answer  There are 6 Cs of Integrated Reporting – also known as 6 capitals:
                   i) Financial Capital:
                   Available  funds  to  the  organization  obtained  through  financing  like  debt,  equity,  or  grants,  or
                   generated from operations or investments.
                   ii) Manufactured Capital:
                   Human-created  equipment  and  tools  used  in  the  production  of  goods  or  services,  including
                   infrastructure like roads, ports, and water treatment plants.
                   iii) Natural Capital:
                   Inputs  to  production  and  services.  Impacted  by  an  organization’s  activities.  Includes  water,  land,
                   minerals, forests, and ecosystem health.
                   iv) Human Capital:
                   Skills, experience, alignment with the organization’s values, understanding of strategy, and motivation
                   to innovate and improve.
                   v) Social Capital:
                   Institutions and relationships enhancing well-being. Includes common values, trust with stakeholders,
                   and an organization’s social license to operate.
                   vi) Intellectual Capital:
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