Page 354 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 354

Determines  an  organization’s  competitive  advantage  linked  to  R&D,  innovation,  and  external

                   The  Asia  Pacific  region  leads  in  sustainability  data  presentation  in  annual  reports,  with  60%  of
                   companies reporting in 2022. Integrated reporting is prominent in the Middle East.

          QNO      Identification of Capitals in Integrated Reporting                    New Course – (SM23)
          SDG.250 TITANIUM CNO -- SDG.080
                   Trustworthy  Industries  Limited  (a  listed  company)  has  already  been  preparing  and  disclosing  its
                   sustainability  report  based  upon  internationally  accepted  reporting  framework  of  “Integrated
                   Reporting” on a voluntary basis even some years before BRSR reporting became mandatory. Even
                   after  BRSR  reporting  became  mandatory,  it  is  cross-referencing  disclosures  made  under  such
                   reporting  to  disclosures  sought  under  BRSR.  The  key  thrust  of  “Integrated  Reporting”  is  how
                   company creates value over short, medium and long term.

                   Following further information is provided in respect of the above company: -

                   [i] It has increased the number of customers using digital customer mobile app of the company from
                   2 lac users to 4 lac users. There is 100% increase in digital collection. It has benefitted customers of
                   the company and resulted in use of digital methods for business operations of the company.

                   [ii] It has increased the number of beneficiaries under its flagship CSR programmes from previous
                   10000 to 75000. It has provided value for communities and provided sustainable livelihood to them.

                   Discussing  above  information,  identify  which  of  the  capitals  of  “Integrated  Reporting”  are  being
                   referred to at [i] and [ii] respectively?
          Answer  Identification of Capitals in Integrated Reporting
                     1. Digital Advancement:
                      - [i] Increased use of the company's digital mobile app and a 100% rise in digital collection.
                      - Investment in innovation and deriving business benefits from digitization.
                      - Capital: Intellectual Capital.
                     2. Community Engagement:
                      -  [ii]  Growth  in  beneficiaries  under  the  flagship  CSR  programs,  providing  value  and  sustainable
                      livelihood to communities.
                      - Strengthening relationships within and between communities and stakeholders.
                      - Capital: Social and Relationship Capital.

          QNO      Applicability of BRSR                                                 New Course – (SM23)
          SDG.275 TITANIUM CNO -- SDG.120
                   What  type  of  companies  are  required  to  mandatorily  furnish  the  Business  Responsibility  and
                   Sustainability Report (BRSR) as per the SEBI circular with effect from FY 2022-23?
          Answer  Reporting under BRSR is mandatory from financial year 2022-23. However, disclosure was voluntary in
                   financial year 2021-22. SEBI has currently started with the top 1,000 listed companies. But very soon,
                   remaining listed companies would also need to comply with the provisions of BRSR.

          QNO      Nine principles of BRSR                                               New Course – (SM23)
          SDG.300 TITANIUM CNO -- SDG.160

                   What are the nine principles of BRSR? How are the nine principles of BRSR linked with the 17 UN
                   Sustainable Development Goals?
                   Note: (Explain Nine Principles, I don’t expect all principles in one question in exams, they may target
                   individual principle and to remember linking with 17 UN SDGs as given in ICAI table is impossible so
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