Page 356 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 356

- Climate Change and Performance Improvement:
                      - Contribute to climate change resilience.
                      - Improve environmental performance.
                   Principle 7 – Influence on Public and Regulatory Policy: Influence policy within a governing
                    - Policy Contribution and Advocacy:
                      - Contribute holistically to policy formulation.
                      - Utilize collective associations for policy advocacy
                    - Fair Practices:
                      - Advocate for fair competition and prevent rights abuses.
                   Principle  8  –  Promote  Inclusive  Growth  and  equitable  development:  Collaborate  for  better
                   livelihood and assist marginalized communities.
                    - Impact Assessment and Mitigation:
                      - Address social, cultural, economic impacts of business.
                      - Track and mitigate adverse impacts.
                    - Community Benefits and Intellectual Property:
                      - Create products that benefit marginalized communities.
                      - Avoid business-induced displacement; provide fair compensation.
                      - Respect intellectual property and share benefits equitably.
                    - CSR and Local Priorities:
                      - Align CSR activities with local/regional priorities.
                   Principle 9 – Provide value to consumers responsibly: Offer products and services responsibly for
                    - Impact Reduction and Fair Practices:
                      - Reduce negative impacts on consumers and environment.
                      - Ensure fair competition and freedom of choice.
                      - Disclose adverse impacts transparently.
                    - Data Privacy and Responsible Usage:
                      - Maintain customer data privacy.
                      - Inform customers about responsible product use.
                    - Transparency and Access:
                      - Avoid misleading advertising.
                      - Provide a transparent grievance redressal system.
                      - Ensure non-discriminatory access to essential goods/services.

                                                                                         New Course – (SM23)
          QNO      Methodology of providing assurance in BRSR
          SDG.400 TITANIUM CNO -- SDG.180

                   What is the methodology of providing assurance in BRSR?

          Answer  Methodology to provide assurance on BRSR

                   -  Preliminary Review of ESG report, parameters
                   -  On-site Assessment / Verification of ESG Report
                   -  Issuance of Assessment Report and Assessment Statement
                   -  Review of the responses and clarifications on the findings
                   -  Submission of findings of the onsite assessment and document review
                   -  Preparation  of  Assessment  /  Verification  report  including  final  results  of  Assessment/

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