Page 357 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 357

QNO      Auditor’s role on ESG aspects                                         New Course – (SM23)
          SDG.500 TITANIUM CNO -- SDG.220
                   What is the auditor’s role on ESG aspects in an audit of financial statements of the Company?

          Answer  -  Auditor's  Objective  &  Stakeholder  Expectations:  The  auditor  seeks  assurance  that  financial
                   statements are free from material misstatement, enabling them to report if the statements are fairly
                   presented according to the financial reporting framework. Investors seek information on how climate
                   risks were addressed in the audit. Auditors face pressure for transparency but must adhere to auditing
                   - Understanding Climate Risks: In understanding an entity, the auditor considers climate-related risks,
                   especially in sectors like banks, insurance, energy, transportation, and agriculture.
                   - Auditor's Report Significance & Emphasis on Disclosures: The auditor’s report communicates about
                   the  audit,  the  auditor’s  responsibilities,  and  significant  matters  addressed.  The  Emphasis of matter
                   paragraph draws attention to crucial disclosures. The auditor checks if the entity disclosed climate-
                   related information as per the relevant financial reporting framework.
                   -  Consistency  &  Other  Information:  The  auditor  ensures  consistency  in  information  disclosed  in
                   financial statements and other public communications. This is mandated by ISA 720 and SA 720.
                   Momentum and Uniformity
                   -  Sustainability  reporting  gains  momentum  globally  with  demands  from  stakeholders  and  efforts
                   toward a uniform set of standards.
                   - Uniformity is hindered by a lack of a common language.
                   Trends and Demand in Reporting
                   -  Reporting  of  sustainability  information  is  a  growing  global  trend,  increasing  the  demand  for  its
                   independent assurance.
                   - Entities seek to enhance the integrity of their sustainability reporting.
                   - The demand for assurance on “sustainability branded” reporting rises.
                   Assurance Professionals' Role
                   - Auditors must understand the current landscape and monitor developments.
                   - There's an urgent need for accepted global sustainability/ ESG assurance standards.

          QNO      Benefits of sustainable Reporting                                     New Course – (SM23)
          SDG.800 TITANIUM CNO -- Unique
                   You  have  recently  joined  a  listed  company  after  qualifying  CA  final  exams  through  campus
                   placement programme conducted by CMI&B at ICAI. Although the company you have joined in is
                   not amongst top 1000 listed companies in the country, it wants to include “Sustainability reporting”
                   in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative framework (GRI) in its annual report on voluntary
                   basis.  “Sustainability  reporting”  seems  to  be  new  buzzword  in  corporate  circles  and  you  are
                   assigned responsibility for collating all the information required for such reporting.

                   In above context, dwell upon what is your understanding of “Sustainability reporting”? Can you list
                   some of its expected benefits?
          Answer  Sustainability  reporting  is  an  organization’s  practice  of  reporting  publicly  on  its  economic,
                   environmental, and/or social impacts, and hence its contributions – positive or negative – towards the
                   goal of sustainable development.

                   Sustainability reporting refers to the information that companies provide about their performance to
                   the  outside  world  on  a  regular  basis  in  a  structured  way.  It  is  the  comprehensive  mechanism  of
                   measuring  and  disclosing  sustainability  data  with  performance  indicators  and  management

                   Expected  Benefits:  It  can  help  stakeholders  to  understand  organizations  performance  vis  a  vis
                   sustainability  and  impacts.  The  reporting  process  emphasizes  the  link  between  financial  and  non-
                   financial performance.

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