Page 372 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 372

QNO     Self Interest Threat Vs Delf Review Threat                                Old Course-- (M18E)
          780.010  TITANIUM CNO – PE.320
                  Distinguish Self-interest threat from self-review threat in an Assurance Engagement.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                  As per Code of Ethics of ICAI

                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ➢  Self Interest Threat: Self-interest threats, which may occur as a result of the financial or other
                          interests of a professional accountant or of a relative.
                          Circumstances that may create self-interest threat
                             •  A financial interest in a client or jointly holding a financial interest with a client.
                             •  Undue dependence on total fees from a client
                             •  Having a close business relationship with a client.
                             •  Concern about the possibility of losing a client.
                             •  Potential employment with a client.
                             •  Contingent fees relating to an assurance engagement.

                      ➢  Self-Review Threat: Self-review threats, which may occur when a previous judgment needs to
                          be re- evaluated by the professional accountant responsible for that judgment;
                          Examples of circumstances that may create self -review threats
                             •  The discovery of a significant error during a re-evaluation of the work of the professional
                                 accountant in public practice.
                             •  Reporting  on the  operation  of  financial  systems  after being  involved  in  their  design  or
                             •  Having prepared the original data used to generate records that are the subject matter of
                                 the engagement.
                             •  A member of the assurance team being, or having recently been, a director or officer of
                                 that client.
                             •   A member of the assurance team being, or having recently been, employed by the client
                                 in  a  position  to  exert  direct  and  significant  influence  over  the  subject  matter  of  the
                             •  Performing a service for a client that directly affects the subject matter of the assurance

          QNO     Engagement specific safeguards for threats-                               Old Course-- (M19E)
          780.050  TITANIUM CNO – PE.320
                  A  professional  accountant  in  public  practice  is  always  subject  to  various  threats  in  compliance  with
                  fundamental  principles  of  his  profession  and  you,  as  a  professional  accountant,  is  worried  about
                  engagement  specific  threat  in  your  audit  assignment  of  M/s  Soft  Ltd.  and  want  to  implement  some
                  measures to eliminate and reduce the same. Enumerate some engagement specific safeguards which
                  you may introduce in your work environment to ward off such threats.
                   ➢  Engagement-specific safeguards in the work environment may include
                           •  Consulting  an  independent  third  party,  such  as  a  committee  of  independent  directors,  a
                              professional regulatory body or another professional accountant.
                           •  Discussing ethical issues with those charged with governance of the client.
                           •  Disclosing to those charged with governance of the client the nature of services provided and
                              extent of fees charged.
                           •  Involving an additional professional accountant to review the work done or otherwise advise
                              as necessary.
                           •  Involving another firm to perform or re-perform part of the engagement.
                           •  Rotating senior assurance team personnel.

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