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QNO     Second Schedule, Part I,Cl,7 --Failed to Discover Fraud   Old Course-- (N10R, M14R, PM17, M18E, N21E)
          756.000  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1540
                  The Cashier of a company committed a fraud and absconded with the proceeds thereof. This happened
                  during the course of the accounting year. The Chief Accountant of the company also did not know about

                  In the course of the audit, at the end of the year, the auditor failed to discover the fraud. After the
                  audit  was  completed,  however, the  fraud  was  discovered  by  the  Chief  Accountant. Investigation
                  made at that time indicates that the auditor did not exercise proper skill and care and performed his
                  work in a desultory and haphazard manner. With this background, the Directors of the company
                  intend to file disciplinary proceedings against the auditor.

                  Discuss the position of the auditor with regard to the disciplinary proceedings.
                  You were the statutory auditor of Speed Ltd., a PSU, for the year 2016-17. In the course of your audit,
                  you did not observe any fraud having been committed during that year. However, the C & AG audit staffs
                  during  their  routine  inspection  found  that  chief  cashier  of  the  Company  have  committed  a  fraud  in
                  Debtor  s  ledger  and  absconded  with  the  amount.  Investigation  made  in  the  fraud  revealed  that  the
                  Auditor did not exercise proper skill and care and performed his working an improper way.

                  Director  of  the  Company  intends  to  file  disciplinary  proceedings  against  the  Auditor  with  the  ICAI.
                  Discuss  the  position  of  the  auditor  with  regard  to  the  disciplinary  proceedings  under  Chartered
                  Accountants Act, 1949 and Regulations there to.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ▪  Clause (7) of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
                      ▪  SA 240, “The auditor’s responsibilities relating to fraud in an audit of financial statements”
                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Law
                      ➢  Clause (7) of Part I of the Second Schedule
                             •   Failure to Exercise Reasonable Care and Skill: Apparently, as it appears from the facts
                                 of the case that the auditor did not exercise proper skill and care and that he performed
                                 his  work  in  a  desultory  and  haphazard  manner.  In  this  matter,  the  test  for  auditor’s
                                 liability lies in whether he has applied reasonable care, skill and caution called for in the
                                 circumstances of the case and whether he reasonably used all the  information that he
                                 came across in the course of audit.
                             •  Clause (7) of Part I of Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 requires
                                 that it is the duty of an auditor to bring to bear in the work he has to perform that skill,
                                 care and caution as per the circumstances in an honest and reasonable manner.

                      ➢  SA  240,  “The  auditor’s  responsibilities  relating  to  fraud  in  an  audit  of  financial
                         As per SA 240, “The auditor’s responsibilities relating to fraud in an audit of financial statements”,
                         it  can  be  concluded  that  the  auditor  did  not  plan  and  perform  the  audit  with  an  attitude  of
                         professional scepticism.
                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  Cash is a very significant item in any situation and the fact that the cashier had left during the year
                         without notice should have placed the auditor on alert as regards the cash book. In fact, the very
                         fact  that  the  cashier  was  absconding,  i.e.,  left  without  any  notice  constituted  sufficient
                         circumstances to excite suspicion of the auditor to probe to the bottom.

                         Thus, having regard to SA 240 and a fraud has actually taken place during the year, committed by
                         the absconding cashier, it is reasonable to think that prima facie there is a case against the auditor
                         for gross negligence.
                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  As it appears from the facts of the case, the auditor has been grossly negligent in performing his
                         duties  which  constitutes  professional  misconduct.  Thus,  such  instances  require  reference  to
                         Disciplinary Committee of the Council of the Institute.

                         If a member is found guilty by the Council of any of the acts or omissions stated in the Schedule, its
                         finding with recommendations are to be referred to the High Court for decision.

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