Page 448 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
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position of the consumption of raw material by the concerned entity. He has failed in his duty of
                         examining the record. He has relied on the minutes of Board of director’s meeting which is not
                         proper evidence to show the consumption of raw material. The relevant record of production and
                         stock register should have been scrutinized thoroughly and properly.
                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  Mr.  Mohan  will  be  held  guilty  of  Professional  Misconduct  under  Clause  (2)  of  Part  I  of  Second
                         Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
                  Author’s Note
                      ➢  Whenever Certification is done without collecting proper evidence . Following shall be referred-
                             •  Clause 7 Part 1 of Second Schedule
                             •  Clause 2 Part 1 of Second Schedule
                             •  Clause 8 Part 1 of Second Schedule

                  Second Schedule, Part I, Cl 8 --MIS, Internal Inspection                 Old Course— (N20E)
          757.500   Report, Photos Instead of Attending Physical Verification
                  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1540
                  Nam & Co. conducted Stock Audit of DEF Ltd. as per instructions issued by HEG Bank. However instead
                  of  visiting  the  site  where  the  stock  was  lying,  the  firm  relied  on  the  Management  Information
                  Systems report along with inspections reports and photographs of Stock taken by the employees
                  of DEF Ltd. The photographs were also carrying the date and time printed on them. Comment with
                  reference to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and its schedules thereto.
          Answer  According  to  Clause  (7)  of  Part  I  of  Second  Schedule  to  the  Chartered  Accountants  Act,  1949,  a
                  Chartered Accountant in practice is deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct if he “does not
                  exercise due diligence or is grossly negligent in the conduct of his professional duties”.

                  It  is  a  vital  clause  which  usually  gets  attracted  whenever  it  is  necessary  to  judge  whether  the
                  accountant has honestly and reasonably discharged  his duties. The expression negligence covers a
                  wide field and extends from the frontiers of fraud to collateral minor negligence.

                  In  the  instant  case,  CA.  Nam  &Co.  did  not  exercise  due  diligence  and  is  grossly  negligent  in  the
                  conduct of his professional duties since it did not visit the site where the stock was lying and instead
                  the firm relied on the MIS report along with inspection reports and photographs of stock taken by
                  the employees of DEF Ltd, which is incorrect.

                  To conduct stock audit, ascertainment of existence and physical condition of stocks, cross tallying the
                  stock with Stock statement submitted by bank borrower, correct classification of stocks for valuation
                  purpose etc. is essential. Further submitting stock audit report without physically verifying the stock
                  amounts to gross negligence.
                  From  the  above,  it  can  be  concluded  that  Nam  &  Co.  is  guilty  of  professional  misconduct  under
                  Clause (7) of Part I of Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.

                  Second Schedule, Part I, Cl 8 Circulation Certification   Old Course-- (M04E, N08E, M10E, N11E, N11R,
          QNO     TITANIUM CNO – PE.1540                                M12E, N12M, PM17, SM17, N22M, M23M)
                                                                                          New Course—(SM23)
                  CA. ZZ who conducted ABC audit of a Marathi daily ‘New Era’ certified the circulation figures based
                  on Management Information System Report (M.I.S Report) without examining the books of Accounts.
                  CA. Prakash, a practicing Chartered Accountant issued a certificate of circulation of a periodical without
                  going into the most elementary details of how the circulation of a periodical was being maintained i.e.,
                  by  not  looking  into  the  financial  records,  bank  statements  or  bank  pass  books,  by  not  examining
                  evidence of actual payment of printer’s bills and by not caring to ascertain how ma ny copies were sold
                  and paid for. Is CA. Prakash liable to professional misconduct? Comment with reference to the Chartered
                  Accountants Act, 1949, and Schedules thereto.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ▪  Clause (7) of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949

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