Page 461 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 461

accepting the assignment.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Laws
                      ▪  Council General Guidelines 2008 - Appointment as Statutory Auditor
                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Laws
                      ➢  A member of the Institute in practice shall not accepts the appointment as a statutory auditor of a
                         PSUs’/Govt company(ies)/Listed company(ies) and other public company(ies) having a turnover of
                         ` 50 crores or more in a year and where he accepts any other work(s) or assignment(s) or service(s)
                         in regard to same undertaking(s) on a remuneration which in total exceeds the fee payable for
                         carrying out the statutory audit of the same undertaking.

                         For  this  purpose,  the  other  work/services  include  Management  Consultancy  and  all  other
                         professional services permitted by Council excluding audit under any other statute, Certification
                         work required to be done by the statutory auditor and any representation before an authority.
                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  In the given case, A auditor of Z Ltd having turnover INR 200 crore fixed audit fees at INR 50 Lakhs.
                         During  the  year,  the  company  offers  A  an  assignment  of  management  consultancy  within  the
                         meaning of Section 2(2)(iv) of the CA Act, 1949 for a remuneration of ₹ 1 crore
                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  In  view  of  the  above  position,  it  would  be  a  misconduct  on  A’s  part  if  he  accepts  the
                         management consultancy assignment for a fee of ` 1 crore.

          QNO     Councile General Guideline 2008--Minimum Fees     Old Course-- (N05E, M09R, M09E, N15E, PM17,
          774.000  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1760                                                              M19M)
                  M/s LMN, a firm of Chartered Accountants having 5 partners accepts an audit assignment of a newly

                  formed private limited company for audit fees of ₹ 5,000.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Laws
                      ▪  Council General Guidelines 2008 - Minimum Audit Fee in respect of Audit
                      ▪  (Repealed Now)
                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Laws
                      ➢  This chapter of Council General Guidelines 2008is repealed from 8th June 2011. So, there is no
                         minimum or maximum audit fees.

                         Recommendatory  fees  are  generally  given  every  year  at  the  end  in  Guidance  Note  on  Tax
                         Audit. However, such prescribed minimum audit fee is recommendatory, not mandatory in

                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  M/s LMN, a firm of Chartered Accountants have 5 partners and have accepted an audit assignment
                         of a newly formed private limited company for audit fees of Rs 5,000.

                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  So as per the above acceptance of audit assignment by M/s LMN, a firm of Chartered Accountants
                         for audit fees of Rs 5,000 is not violation of any provisions.

                         No of partner in the firm for determination of fees is of no relevance as the relevant Chapter XII
                         of Council General Guidelines 2008 which talks about the minimum audit fee in respect of Audit
                         has been repealed.

                         Therefore M/s LMN will not be held liable for guilty of misconduct.

          QNO     Council General Guideline 2008--Tax Audit Limit                          Old Course-- (SM17)
          774.010  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1760
                  A member of the institute shall not accept in a year more than the specified number of tax audits under
                  section 44AB of the Income Tax Act.
                  Mr. Gaurav is a partner in M/s. XYZ & Co., a firm of Chartered Accountants with 6 partners. During the
                  assessment  year  2015-16,  Mr.  Gaurav  alone  had  signed  290  tax  audit  reports  consisting  of  both
                  corporate and non-corporate assesses.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Laws

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