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solicits clients or professional work either directly or indirectly by circular, advertisement, personal
                  communication or interview or by any other means.
                  In  this  connection,  members  sponsoring  activities  relating  to  Corporate  Social  Responsibility  may
                  mention their individual name with the prefix “CA”. However, mentioning a firm’s name or CA Logo is
                  not permitted.
                  An event relating to Corporate Social Responsibility was sponsored by JP & Associates, whereby in
                  the sponsorship banner, name of Mr. Jayprakash as ‘CA Jayprakash, Proprietor ,JPC Associates’ was
                  mentioned.  Thus,  firm’s  name  was  mentioned  which  is  not  allowed  and  thus,  Mr.  Jayprakash  has
                  violated  the  restriction  imposed  under  Clause  (6)  of  Part  I  of  the  First  Schedule  to  the  Chartered
                  Accountants Act, 1949.

                  (iv)As per Clause (3) of Part II of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, a
                  member of the ICAI shall be deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct, if he includes in any
                  information,  statement,  return  or  form  to  be  submitted  to  the  Institute,  Council  or  any  of  its
                  Committees, Director (Discipline), Board of Discipline, Disciplinary Committee, Quality Review Board
                  or the Appellate Authority, any particulars knowing them to be false.

                  Mr. Jayprakash in the statement of appeal submitted with the Appellate Authority mentioned some
                  facts knowing them to be false and thus, he has violated the restriction imposed under Clause (3) of
                  Part II of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.

                  (b) As Mr. Jayprakash has been alleged of misconduct falling in First as well as Second Schedule, so
                  the  matter  would  be  placed  before  the  Disciplinary  Committee.  The  maximum  punishment  which
                  could have been imposed on him by the said authority would be:-
                  (i) reprimanding the member.
                  (ii) removing name of the member permanently or for any duration, it thinks fit.
                  (iii) imposing fine upto ` 5,00,000.

          QNO     NETWORK GUIDELINES & ROTATION                                            Old Course—(N22M)
          776.500  TITANIUM CNO – PE. 1760
                  AJ  &  Associates  and  PK  &  Co.,  chartered  accountant  firms  have  joined  the  Network  firm  A  to  Z  &
                  Affiliates registered with Institute. AJ & Associates was statutory auditor of B Ltd. for last 10 years. Due
                  to rotation of auditor as per section 139 (2) of Companies Act, 2013, B Ltd. retires AJ & Associates and
                  appoints PK & Co., as auditor for the year 2020-21. Comment as per Chartered Accountant Act, 1949 -
                  Guidelines for Networking.
          Answer  As per Council General Guidelines, 2008, Chapter XV, Guidelines for Networking, once the relationship of
                  network arises, it will be necessary for such a network to comply with all applicable ethical requirements
                  prescribed by the Institute from time to time in general and the following requirements in particular in
                  those  cases  where  rotation  of  firms  is  prescribed  by  any  regulatory  authority,  no  member  firm  of  the
                  network  can  accept  appointment  as  an  auditor  in  place  of  any  member  firm  of  the  network  which  is

                  In the given situation, AJ & Associates was statutory auditor of B Ltd. For last 10 years and due to rotation
                  of auditor as per section 139(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 B Ltd., retires AJ & Associates and appoints PK
                  & Co. as auditor for the year 2020-21.

                  It  may  be  considered  that  AJ  &  Associates  and  PK  &  Co.,  chartered  accountant  firms  have  joined  the
                  network  firm  namely  A  to  Z  &  Affiliates  registered  with  Institute.  In  view  of  above  Guidelines  for
                  Networking PK & Co., is disqualified for appointment as an auditor of B Ltd.

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