Page 456 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 456

Second Schedule, Part II, Cl, 3 -- False Information to Council about   Old Course-- (M16M, N17M,
          QNO     Article, where article was employed at company                                 N18M, N19M)
                  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1660 / PE.1700
                  A  Chartered  Accountant  in  practice  certified  in  requisite  Form  that  an  articled  assistant  was
                  undergoing training with him, whereas, he was also employed in a company between 10 a.m. and 6
                  p.m. on a monthly salary of Rs. 17,000 and attended the office of the Chartered Accountant thereafter
                  until  7  p.m.  The  Chartered  Accountant  pleaded  that  the  articled  assistant  was  on  audit  of  the
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ▪  As per Clause (1) of Part II of Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ➢  A member shall be held guilty of professional misconduct if he contravenes any of the provisions
                         of  the  Act  or  the  regulations  made  thereunder,  or  any  guidelines  issued  by  the  Council.  The
                         chartered accountant, as per Regulations also, is expected to impart proper practical training.
                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  A Chartered Accountant in practice certified that an articled assistant was undergoing training with
                         him, whereas, he was also employed in a company between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on a monthly
                         salary of Rs. 17,000 and attended the office of the Chartered Accountant thereafter until 7 p.m.
                         The Chartered Accountant pleaded that the articled assistant was on audit of the company.
                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  In the instant case, the articled assistant is not attending office on timely basis and the explanation
                         of the Chartered Accountant that the articled assistant was on audit of the company cannot be
                         accepted particularly in view of the fact that articled assistant is getting monthly salary from that
                         company. The Chartered Accountant would be held guilty of professional misconduct in regard to
                         the discharge of his professional duties.
                  Author’s Note
                  Schedule II, Part II, Clause (3) shall also be mentioned as CA must have provided false information to the
                  institute regarding the office hours of article assistant.

                  Second Schedule, Part II, Cl,3 Included name of CA in   Old Course-- (N07E, N08R, M11R, N13R, M16E,
          QNO     empanelment without his knowledge                           N16M, PM17, N18R, M18M, M20R)
                  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1700
                  AB & Co., a firm of Chartered Accountants, included the name of P as a partner while filing an application
                  for empanelment as auditor for Public Sector bank branches. It was subsequently noticed that on
                  the date of application, P was not a partner with AB & Co
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ▪  As per Clause (3) of Part II of Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ➢  A  Chartered  Accountant  whether  in  practice  or  not  is  guilty  of  professional  misconduct  if  he
                         includes in any information, statement, return or form to be submitted to the Institute, Council or
                         any of its committees, Directors (Discipline), Board of Discipline, Disciplinary Committee, Quality
                         Review Board or the Appellate Authority any particulars knowing them to be false.
                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  In the instant case A B & Co. included another Chartered Accountant name as partner in his firm, in
                         his application for empanelment as Auditor of branches of Public Sector Banks submitted to the
                         Institute. In fact, such a member was not a partner of the said firm on the date of application.

                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  He will be held guilty of professional misconduct.
                  Author’s Note
                  It’s a misconduct of second schedule part II clause 3 because empanelment for branch audits is
                  done by ICAI not individual banks. Application was made to ICAI. If false information is given in tender ,
                  empanelment to other parties then first schedule part III clause 3 would have been applicable.

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