Page 141 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 141

CA Ravi Taori

               quantification of the financial effects of the misstatement, unless impracticable. If it is not practicable to
               quantify the financial effects, the auditor shall so state in this section.
            •  Relates to Narrative Disclosures: If there is a material misstatement of the financial statements that
               relates to narrative disclosures, the auditor shall include in the Basis for Opinion section an explanation
               of how the disclosures are misstated.
            •  Relates to Non-Disclosure: If there is a material misstatement of the financial statements that relates to
               the non- disclosure of information required to be disclosed, the auditor shall:
                 o  Discussion: Discuss the non-disclosure with those charged with governance;
                 o  Describe nature: Describe in the Basis for Opinion section the nature of the omitted information;
                 o  Inclusion of Omitted Disclosures: Unless prohibited by law or regulation, include the omitted
                   disclosures, provided it is practicable to do so and the auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate
                   audit evidence about the omitted information.

         2B. Unable to obtain SAAE: If the modification results from an inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit
         evidence, the auditor shall include in the Basis for Opinion section the reasons for that inability.
         3. Amendment in Statement for Qualified or Adverse Opinion: When the auditor expresses a qualified or
         adverse opinion, the auditor shall amend the statement about whether the audit evidence obtained is sufficient
         and appropriate to provide a basis for the auditor’s opinion to include the word “qualified” or “adverse”, as
         4. Amendments in case of Disclaimer of Opinion: When the auditor disclaims an opinion on the financial
         statements, the auditor’s report shall not include following elements required under SA 700
         4A. Exclusion of reference to Auditor’s Responsibilities Section: A reference to the section of the auditor’s
         report where the auditor’s responsibilities are described; and
         4B. Exclusion of Statement on Audit Evidence: A statement about whether the audit evidence obtained is
         sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for the auditor’s opinion.
          5. Description of Other Matter Requiring Modification: Even if the auditor has expressed an adverse opinion
         or disclaimed an opinion on the financial statements, the auditor shall describe in the Basis for Opinion section
         the reasons for any other matters of which the auditor is aware that would have required a modification to the
         opinion, and the effects thereof.

         (CNO - SA 705.160) How Auditor should give description of Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the
         Financial Statements When the Auditor Disclaims an Opinion on the Financial Statements?
         1. Auditor's Independence and Ethical Responsibilities: The statement about auditor independence and other
         ethical responsibilities required in SA 700.
         2. Auditor’s Responsibility: The auditor's main responsibility is to perform an audit in line with the Standards
         on Auditing and to issue an auditor's report.
         3. Reference to Basis for Disclaimer: However, due to certain circumstances outlined in the Basis for Disclaimer
         of Opinion section, the auditor couldn't gather enough appropriate audit evidence to form an audit opinion on
         the financial statements.

         (CNO - SA 705.180) Matrix to be considered to determine what type of modified opinion should be used
         by the Auditor:

                    Nature     of    Matter  Auditor’s  judgment  about  the  Pervasiveness  of  the
                    Giving  Rise  to  the  Effects  or  Possible  Effects  on  the  Financial
                    Modification:             Statements
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