Page 144 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 144

CA Ravi Taori

            •  Last year related.

               o No audit was conducted in previous year.
               o Someone else performed the audit of previous year.
            •  CY related.
               o Audit of branches, subsidiaries done by another auditor

            •  End of year
               o Auditor reported more than one set of FST in case of multiple FRF. (e.g. :- Ind AS, IFRS, US GAAP)
               o If auditor wants to restrict distribution & use of audit report  then auditor can explain in 'other

                 matter para’.
         III. Heading & Content of OMP:
         Paragraph with Appropriate Heading: When the auditor includes an Other Matter paragraph in the auditor’s
         report, the auditor shall include the paragraph within a separate section with the heading “Other Matter,” or
         other appropriate heading.
         IV. Placement
          ➢ It is not clearly mentioned, but after analysis we can conclude that OMP should be placed always below
              KAM, it may not be immediately after KAM but any suitable position below it.
          ➢ To distinguish KAM and information given in OMP we can add more words to the heading so that user can
              differentiate between KAM & OMP like other matter – Scope of audit.
          ➢ If matter in OMP is related to 'other reporting responsibility' then we can place it in section 'Report on other
              legal and regulatory requirement'
          ➢ If matter is such that it is important for all auditor's responsibility and understanding of his audit report then
              it may be included after 'Report on FST' and 'Report on other legal and regulatory requirement'.

         (CNO - SA 706.080) Is there any duty to communicate with Those Charged with Governance?
         If the auditor expects to include an Emphasis of Matter or an Other Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report, the
         auditor shall communicate with those charged with governance regarding this expectation and the wording of
         this paragraph.

         (CNO - SA 706.100) KAM V/s EMP
                                            KAM                                EMP
         Definition                         Matters  that,  in  the  auditor’s  A paragraph in the auditor’s report
                                            judgment,     were    of    most  referring  to  a  matter  presented  or
                                            significance  in  the  audit  of  the  disclosed   in   the   financial
                                            financial statements. Selected from  statements.   In   the   auditor’s
                                            matters  communicated  with  those  judgment,  it  is  fundamental  to
                                            charged with governance. [SA 701]  users’ understanding. [SA 706]
         Matters      Fundamental       to  Matters  deemed  as  key  audit  Matters not determined as key audit
         Understanding of User              matters may also be fundamental to  matters can still be fundamental to
                                            users'  understanding.  The  auditor  users.  Such  matters  can  be
                                            may  highlight  or  draw  further  highlighted  in  the  Emphasis  of
                                            attention to its relative importance.  Matter paragraph.
         Purpose of Communication           Provides additional information to  Points to a matter in the financial
                                            financial statement users. Assists in  statements  that  is  fundamental  to
                                            understanding  significant  matters  users' understanding.
                                            and areas of management judgment
                                            in audited financial statements.
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